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Welcome back! Please have your course information sheet signature page ready to hand in Get out 6 pieces of binder paper.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome back! Please have your course information sheet signature page ready to hand in Get out 6 pieces of binder paper."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome back! Please have your course information sheet signature page ready to hand in Get out 6 pieces of binder paper

2 Interactive Notes On the cover write: Introduction to Biology
Name, period, seat # Draw a color picture related to the unit topic

3 Place 6 pages of notebook paper behind the cover
Staple 3 times down the side so it opens like a book

4 Number the pages 1 Back of cover First lined page

5 Number the pages

6 Write “Warm-ups” at the top of page 1
Write “Input” at the top of the even number pages Write “Output” at the top of the odd number pages

7 What is Biology? (pg 2)

8 Biology= The study of living things

9 Science Goal is to provide natural (not supernatural) explanations for events in the natural world

10 Science Goal is to provide natural (not supernatural) explanations for events in the natural world Science is an organized way of gathering and analyzing evidence about the natural world

11 The major topics we will study in this class include:

12 Diversity of Life How many species are there? How are species related?
What are the major branches on the tree of life?

13 Cell Biology How do individual cells function?
How do cells work together? How do cells make copies of themselves?

14 Genetics Why do kids look similar to but not the same as their parents? How does DNA carry genetic information?

15 Evolution How do species change over time? Where did we come from?

16 Ecology How do species interact with each other and with their environment?

17 Output Activity (pg 3) Pick one topic that you find interesting
Look up that topic in the textbook and explore it further On page 3, draw a color illustration of your chosen topic

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