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Established Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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1 Established Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
GP / Practice nurse to refer to Community DSN if: 1) HBA1c > 64 mmol/mol (8.5%) and patient: on max oral therapy not tolerating oral therapy needs insulin review / initiation of insulin OR 2) Patients experiencing regular hypoglycaemia with evidence of blood glucose monitoring First DSN appointment: Exploration / assessment Request blood tests as needed (incl. HbA1c) Goal setting Discuss hypoglycaemia (and driving as appropriate) if taking insulin/SUs Ensure referred to retinal screening Preconception planning as appropriate – SAFER leaflet Offer psychology referral as required Refer to Diabetes Specialist Dietitian Follow-up appointments with DSN: Review glucose levels Review blood results Review/titrate medication Discuss complications Discuss injectable therapy if HBA1c target not achieved on max oral agents Discuss hypoglycaemia/hyperglycaemia Carbohydrate awareness Weight management Dietary advice Goal setting Hypoglycaemia Refer to Structured Education: - EDDI (for new DM diagnosis) - X-PERT (>6 months after diagnosis) - X-PERT Insulin - Choose to Lose For Problematic Type 2 DM: e.g. Diabetic control not optimised Persistent hypoglycaemia Erratic blood glucose levels Consider referral to Diabetologist

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