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Bone Structure.

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1 Bone Structure

2 Functions of the Skeletal System
Support Protection of delicate structures and organs (brain, heart, lungs & spinal cord) Lever to which muscles attach Bones move the body Stores minerals in the form of salts (Calcium & potassium) Stores fat Makes blood cells in process of hemopoiesis

3 Cellular and Tissue Structure of Bone
Skeletal system is made of 2 kinds of connective tissue: Bone Cartilage

4 Respiratory tube cartilages in neck and thorax
Epiglottis Larynx Thyroid cartilage Cartilage in external ear Cartilages in nose Trachea Cricoid cartilage Lung Articular Cartilage of a joint Cartilage in Intervertebral disc Costal cartilage Respiratory tube cartilages in neck and thorax Pubic symphysis Bones of skeleton Axial skeleton Meniscus (padlike cartilage in knee joint) Appendicular skeleton Cartilages Articular cartilage of a joint Hyaline cartilages Elastic cartilages Fibrocartilages Figure 6.1

5 Bone consists of both living tissue and non-living minerals
Osteocytes: mature bone cells that make up 35% of bone There are two kinds of osteocytes Osteoblasts: cells that form new bone tissue Osteoclasts: cells that break down existing bone tissue Hydroxyapatites: mineral compounds that makeup the other 65% of bone Ca3(PO4)2 Calcium phosphate CaCO3 Calcium carbonate

6 Bone Formation Ossification: process of forming bone in which cartilage is replaced with bone tissue The embryonic skeleton is composed of hyaline cartilage and is converted to bone after birth Ossification begins at week 6 or 7 and continues until adulthood  There are 2 types of ossification: 1. Intramembranous ossification: simpler and more direct type of bone formation Osteoblasts form on the surface of fibrous connective tissue (like cartilage) Usually occurs during childhood Bone tissue forms from the edges of a bone inward Occurs mostly in bones of axial skeleton

7 2. Endochondral ossification: type of ossification seen in bones of the appendicular skeleton. How most bones in the body form. Cartilage cells are replaced by osteoblasts Process begins in the diaphysis (shaft) of the bone) Cartilage in the center of the bone breaks down and forms the hollow medullary cavity Ossification moves from the center outward to the ends of the bones In both types of ossification spongy bone forms first and compact bone forms from spongy bone

8 Articular cartilage Compact bone Proximal epiphysis Spongy bone
Epiphyseal line Periosteum Compact bone Medullary cavity (lined by endosteum) (b) Diaphysis Distal epiphysis (a) Figure 6.3a-b

9 Normal bone growth depends on the following:
Calcium Phosphorous Vitamin A Vitamin C Vitamin D Growth Hormone (controls all bone growth)

10 Two types of bone tissue:
Compact bone: dense, brittle bone tissue that makes up the outer surface of axial bones and the diaphysis of appendicular bones. Structure of compact bone: Made of both minerals and living cells arranged in concentric rings. The following are the parts of compact bone: A. Volkmann’s canals: channels through the compact bone. Contain blood vessels and nerve endings that extend from the periosteum to the endosteum. Oriented horizontally. B. Haversian canals: Arranged longitudinally. They contain blood vessels and nerves that run the length of the bone. The parts of the Haversian canal are: C. lamellae: concentric rings of hard minerals (hydroxyapatites)

11 D. lacunae: spaces between the lamellae that contain the osteocytes (bone cells) E. osteocytes: mature osteoblasts that have lost their ability to divide and form new cells F. canaliculi: minute canals that radiate in all directions from the lacunae. They carry nutrients to and wastes from the osteocytes -Groups of Haversian canals are arranged into Haversian systems. In a Haversian system, the individual Haversian canals are separated by interstitial lamellae.

12 Artery with capillaries Structures in the Vein central canal
Nerve fiber Lamellae Collagen fibers run in different directions Twisting force Figure 6.6

13 Compact bone Spongy bone Central (Haversian) canal Perforating (Volkmann’s) canal Endosteum lining bony canals and covering trabeculae Osteon (Haversian system) Circumferential lamellae (a) Perforating (Sharpey’s) fibers Lamellae Periosteal blood vessel Periosteum Nerve Vein Artery Lamellae Central canal Canaliculi Lacuna (with osteocyte) Osteocyte in a lacuna Lacunae Interstitial lamellae (b) (c) Figure 6.7a-c

14 II. Cancellous (spongy bone)
found in the center of bones of the axial skeleton and at the ends of long bones. Stronger and lighter than compact bone. Structure is different from compact bone. Structure of cancellous bone: Contains no Haversian systems. Instead, it is composed of trabeculae an irregular latticework of thin plates of bone. spaces between the trabeculae are filled with red bone marrow that produces blood cells. the osteocytes in trabeculae are capable of division

15 Nerve Vein Lamellae Artery Central canal Canaliculus Osteocyte Lacunae
in a lacuna Lacunae (b) Figure 6.3b

16 Bones are classified according to shape and location
Bone Shapes 1. Long bones: have a greater length than width (arms and legs) One diaphysis 2 epiphyses slightly curved for strength 2. Short bones: roughly equal length and width (carpals and tarsals) Made mostly of spongy bone covered by a thin layer of compact bone 3. Flat bones: 2 parallel plates of compact bone enclosing a layer of spongy bone (cranial bones, sternum, scapula) Thin bones Provide protection Provide extensive areas of muscle attachment

17 5. Wormian bones: small bones found only in the skull
4. Irregular bones: shapes are complex and they very in amounts of compact and spongy bone (vertebrae and facial bones)  5. Wormian bones: small bones found only in the skull found between the parietal and occipital bones 6.Sesamoid bones: small bones located in tendons where high degrees of pressure develop (patella)

18 Figure 6.2

19 Bone Location I. Axial Skeleton
a. Bones of the skull, vertebral column and pelvis. b. Skull bones are classified as i. Cranial: bones that enclose the brain and organs of hearing and sight. There are 8 cranial bones 1. cranial bones are held together by sutures: immovable joints. There are 4 sutures in the skull a. coronal suture: located between the frontal bone and parietal bones b. saggital suture: located between the 2 parietal bones c. lambdoidal suture: located between the 2 parietal bones and the occipital bone d. squamosal suture: located between the 2 parietal bones and the temporal bone

20 2. Fontanel: membrane filled spaces between the cranial bones at birth
2. Fontanel: membrane filled spaces between the cranial bones at birth. A baby’s “soft spots”. a. Bone formation is incomplete at fontanels b. Allow the skull to compress as it passes through the birth canal c. There are 6 fontanels 1. Anterior: Becomes the coronal suture. Closes mo 2. Posterior: Becomes lambdoidal suture. Closes 2 mos 3. Anterolateral (2): Where frontal, parietal, temporal and sphenoid bones meet. Closes 3 mos 4. Posterolateral (2): Where parietal, occipital and temporal bones meet. Closes 12 mos


22 ii. Facial: make up the face There are 14 facial bones
Vertebra: Contains 26 vertebra that protect the spinal cord and support the head i. attachment points for muscle ii. protect spinal nerves iii. there are 4 curves of the spinal column cervical (neck) thoracic (chest) lumbar (lower back) sacral (above tailbone) iv. There are three types of vertebra cervical (7) thoracic (12) lumbar (5)

23 Bone Fractures Partial: incomplete break across a bone
A fracture is defined as any damage to the skeletal system. A bone does not have to be broken to be fractured. Types of Fractures Partial: incomplete break across a bone Complete: bone is broken into 2 pieces Simple: broken bone does not break the skin above the break Compound: broken end of a bone protrudes from the skin Comminuted: bone splinters at point of impact. Small fragments of bone exist between the two ends of the bone. Commonly referred to as “shattered”.

24 Greenstick: Ragged break to a bone that is not fully ossified
Greenstick: Ragged break to a bone that is not fully ossified. Seem most frequently in children. Caused because the bone is flexible and not rigid Spiral: Bone is twisted until it breaks Transverse: break is perpendicular to the long axis of the bone Impacted: one end of a bone is driven into the other end Displaced: anatomical alignment of the bone is not preserved Nondisplaced: anatomical alignment of the bone is preserved Pott’s: fibula is broken at the distal end (lateral malloelus). Michael Vick’s ankle injury. Colles’: radius is broken at the distal end. Radius is displaced posteriorly

25 Fracture Repair Some bones can require up to 6 months to heal (femur) because Ca2+ is deposited gradually Bone cells reproduce slowly Blood supply to a bone decreases when it is broken

26 Steps of fracture repair:
1. Formation of a fracture hematoma: blood clot forms at the site of the fracture begins to form 6-8 hrs after injury 2. Callus formation. New bone tissue (spongy bone) begins to form at the site of the break forms a bridge between the two edges of the break callus originates from cells in the periosteum and endosteum begins 48 hrs after injury 3. Remodeling. Dead bone tissue (a result of the injury) are broken down by osteoclasts compact bone replaces spongy bone at the point of injury All new bone tissue is formed by osteoblasts Longest stage

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