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The advantages and disadvantages of different influences on Parliament

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1 The advantages and disadvantages of different influences on Parliament
Date: Friday, 05 April 2019 The advantages and disadvantages of different influences on Parliament Learning Objectives Describe the role the Law Commission, politics, the media and pressure group have on influencing Parliamentary law making Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of these influences on Parliament Specification Link Outline of influences on Parliament: role of the Law Commission; political, media and pressure group influences Starter – For each influence, tell your partner WHAT it is, WHY it has an influence on Parliamentary law making and How it exercises this influence 15 The Media The Law Commission Pressure Groups Political Parties

2 Law Commission Repeal Codification Consolidation
Means bringing together of all the law on a particular topic into one Act of Parliament. Consolidation Means bringing together of all the statutory provisions relating to a particular area into one Act of Parliament. The idea is to make the law more understandable and accessible. Repeal Removal of laws that have no further use. Once passed can generally only be repealed or altered by another act. Who can refer? Autonomous (suggest changes and create new areas) Others (Academics) Criminal Attempts Act 1981 Government How does it work? Report Research Working paper Consultation

3 Advantages Disadvantages Large amount of research carried out
Possesses a large amount of expertise Government not obliged to carry out recommendations About a third of recommendations not implemented. Government does not have to consult when it implements law May decide to carry out an investigation itself Independent (all areas kept under review not just those the government is interested in) Investigations too lengthy and takes too long to come to fruition Lack of thoroughness as investigates up to 30 issues at a time Well informed and helps to make good law

4 Sectional Pressure Groups
Keywords: Sectional, Promotional (Cause) Cause Pressure Groups Sectional Pressure Groups Exist to further interests of a section of society Professional bodies are good examples of these Degree of influence relies on governmental support for cause Larger groups better supported as represent large section of society Large groups are wealthy and can carry electoral support at election time May have direct access to ministers and MPs Because of wealth and influence of these groups it is rare for government to introduce a law that affects these groups without consulting them Promote a particular ideal or belief Greenpeace – environment; RSPCA – animals; F4J – child access Influence much less Less likely to be consulted and less likely to have governmental links Well publicised groups can have a big impact RSPCA used many successful methods to be a part of the Animal Welfare Act 2006 Sometimes one person may campaign Mary Whitehouse had some success Protection of Children Act 1978 Media is very important to these Cause Pressure Groups For instance Jamie Oliver had some input to the The Education (Nutritional Standards for School Food) (England) Regulations 2007

5 Advantages Disadvantages Raise public awareness
Raise awareness and remind parliament about the importance of an issue Some have huge membership (bigger than the the parties) Possess considerable expertise Biased in favour of their cause Views held passionately (leads to dodgy tactics) Outsider groups have no contact with Parliament therefore have limited say in new laws Opinions held may only be that of a small section of society

6 Media and public opinion
Newspaper often campaign to reform the law. Can you think of any recent examples of campaigns and the newspapers that started them? There is often pressure to change the law from a number of influences working together (e.g. pressure groups and the media) Example – The Double Jeopardy Rule – resulted in the Criminal Justice Act 2003 (retrial after compelling new evidence) Stephen Lawrence Case – acquittal – media pressure – Law Commission Carry out the Snowdrop Case Study

7 Advantages Disadvantages
Radio and TV required to remain politically neutral not the case with newspapers – Newspapers can become politicised Newspapers out to make money – have an agenda to sell newspapers – Daily Mail and Princess Diana Easily whip up a moral panic in the public – News of the World ‘Name and Shame Campaign’ Raise government awareness and inform them of concerns held by public – Snowdrop is a good example of this Media also raises public awareness – which helps the government convince the public to accept its electoral mandate

8 Political Parties When there is a general election all parties publish a list of reforms they want to implement = Manifesto Largest party becomes government Has up to 5 years to enact its manifesto Most reforms will be put before Parliament to become an act Government has say on what becomes law and what does not

9 Advantages Disadvantages
Each party has its proposals for reform ready so that if they elected they know what they wish to do Government has a majority in the House means that most laws it proposes will be passed – law making more efficient If new party elected at next election they can repeal the laws their predecessors passed Changes can therefore be costly and open to criticism 9

10 Eye on the exam Describe any one influence operating on Parliament in the law-making process. (10 marks)


12 The Challenge Using your knowledge from last lesson and some new information today, you are going to attempt your first exam question. You are then going to peer assess using the mark scheme We will choose the highest scoring answer in each category to use as a model answer

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