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Economic and Real Estate Outlook

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1 Economic and Real Estate Outlook
2012 MID-YEAR MEETING Austin, Texas April 13, 2012 Economic and Real Estate Outlook Dr. James P. Gaines Research Economist Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University

2 Professionals built the Titanic
Bentley's First Law of Economics: “The only thing more dangerous than an economist is an amateur economist!” Bentley's Second Law of Economics : "The only thing more dangerous than an amateur economist is a professional economist." Remember: Amateurs built the Ark Professionals built the Titanic

3 US Economy in 1996

4 US Economy in 2008

5 US Economy in 2012

6 Economy is Trying to Recover, but Slow Going
Employment Retail Sales and Consumption GDP Unsustainable Government deficits Corporate Earnings Housing Projections for the next couple of years indicate substantive growth doesn’t occur until

7 Percent Growth in Real GDP
The average rate of growth is 3.3% per quarter since 1947 Annualized change = Q-Q rate change * 4 Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis

8 Debt Driven Recession

9 Total National Debt Since 1929 Amount and Percent of GDP
National Debt as a Percentage of Annual GDP (right scale) Ended WWII $270B Hit $1T in 32% GDP Beginning FY % GDP and 55 times 1946 debt 1940 debt = 43B; 1946 debt = 270B; by 1970 only 371B; 1981 = 1T; 1995 = 5T; 2005 = 8T; 2009 = 12T Total National Debt (left scale) Source: U.S. Treasury

10 Sources: Fed Flow of Funds, Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University
Household Debt Sources: Fed Flow of Funds, Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University

11 Sources: Fed Flow of Funds, Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University
Households Continue Way Over-Levered Total HH Debt as Percentage of GDP Average = 88% Average = 63% Average = 39% Average = 52.5% Sources: Fed Flow of Funds, Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University

12 “Until we see a sustained period of stronger job creation, we cannot consider the recovery to be truly established.” Ben Bernanke June 7, 2011, International Monetary Conference, Atlanta, Georgia Last paragraph of speech

13 Recovery May Take a While

14 US Unemployment Rates Source: BLS, Texas Workforce Commission; Real Estate Center at Texas A&M

15 2012+ Economic Outlook Most indicators positive – not robust
Major business, investment and political decisions postponed Sluggish growth into the first quarter of 2013 Interest rates stay low through 2014 Housing cannot be counted on to help in 2012 Over-leverage & credit dependency remain Limited government resources and spending International economy highly uncertain General UNCERTAINTY & Lack of CONFIDENCE Total HH debt 3Q2011= GDP 3Q2011 = ratio =

16 Consumer Confidence Index
Expansion Recession 7 cycles since 1967: Avg. during recession = 72 Avg. during an expansion = 102 Update this once a month, on 28th. Update the data chart with the newest number and revised last-month number (if revised). Update the comment also. Source: The Conference Board (1985=100)

17 U.S. Household Formation
Source: Current Population Survey, Census Bureau, Department of Commerce (The source of annual data is the Current Population Survey March Supplement. The quarterly data source is the monthly Current Population Survey/Housing Vacancy Survey.)

18 U.S. Population Groups 2011 Echo Boom (Gen Y) Baby Boom
millions 26.1% 24.3% 21.4% 15.9% 12.2% Echo Boom (Gen Y) Baby Boom Millennials (Gen I) Population Estimates/National/Projected Pop xls Baby Bust (Gen X) Silent/Greatest Age 66+ 47-65 35-46 16-34 0-15 Source: U.S. Census Bureau; 2009 National Population Projections (Supplemental)

19 Boomers Own - Gen Y Rents
ULI/Lachman Assoc found Gen Y 2% mobile homes; 6% college dorms; 20% with parents; 37% rent; 35% own Source: FNMA National Housing Survey, 4Q2010

20 At Last, a Cell Phone for Seniors!

21 Changing Face of Housing: Future Homebuyers and Sellers
Racial and Ethnic Composition of Texas 2010 and 2030 Asian 4.6% Asian 7.7% Black 11.5% Black 10.5% 2025 During the next two decades, minorities will account for approximately two-thirds of household growth … and half of all first-time homebuyers Hispanic 38.8% Anglo 30.9% Anglo 45.1% Hispanic 50.9% Source: Social Science Data Analysis Network; NAR Forecast

22 The Housing Market Needs to Mend to Help a General Economic Recovery

23 How Bad Has the Housing Collapse Been?
Home prices down ~33% since 2006 peak Around $7 trillion, >50% lost equity in housing ~20% households, 12 million, upside-down on mortgage – some states >50% Defaults, delinquencies and foreclosures at historic levels 2011 new home starts lowest in the past 60 years New household formations about 25% of historical rate Federal government programs have done little to help overall housing

24 Baby Boomers enter market;
US Homeownership Rate (Percent) Current rate is same as 3Q1998 Low interest rates and new mortgage products; Homeownership explodes from 64.1% to 69.1% 1970s Baby Boomers enter market; homeownership grows Source: U.S. Census Bureau

25 Lost Wealth: Households’ Equity in Real Estate
$7 trillion or 53% in lost real estate equity Source: Federal Reserve, Flow of Funds, B-100

26 Long-Term Real Home Price Index: 1890-2010
2000’s Boom 1946 to 1999 averaged 1915 to 1945 averaged 75.74 70’s Boom 80’s Boom Great Depression WWI WWII 1890 to 1914 averaged 2000 to 2010 averaged Source: Robert J. Shiller, Irrational Exuberance, 2nd. Edition, Princeton University Press,2005, 2009, Broadway Books 2006, also Subprime Solution, 2008, as updated by author:

27 Monthly Foreclosure Filings
WSJ April 15 Headline: Banks Ramp Up Foreclosures moratoriums are over; id’ing whose eligible for Fed pgms and who isn’t and moving forward on those that aren’t. May also be part of cleansing balance sheet for stress tests being applied to banks. Source: RealtyTrac, Inc. Data include Notices of Trustee Sales plus Notices of Foreclosure Sale

28 Percent of Distressed Home Sales
Source: NAR

29 Percent of Loans in Foreclosure End of 4Q 2011
Judicial Foreclosure States Non-Judicial Foreclosure States US Source: Mortgage Bankers Association, National Delinquency Survey

30 High Negative Equity Concentrated in a Small Number of States
Source: CoreLogic® , Negative Equity Report, 3Q2011

31 Seriously Delinquent Mortgages by Origination Year
9.5% 9.1% 8.7% 8.6% 8.1% 7.9% 7.9% 7.7% 0% 0% 9% 0% 0% 11% 11% 0% 11% 1% 1% 2% 12% 12% 14% 14% 72% 71% 71% 70% 69% 68% 65% 65% 19% 18% 19% 19% 19% 19% 20% 19% Source: Mortgage Bankers Association, 4Q2011 National Delinquency Survey

32 New and Existing SF Home Sales U.S.
Existing Sales (left axis) New Sales (right axis) New SF sales are down 78% from 2005 peak Annual Average Total Sales million million million million Recessions Peak month Year Trough Year Month November October July May August April April February December November 1970 November March January July July November July March March November Source: National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., Sources: US Census Bureau , NAR, SAAR

33 Rise in Employment Beginning to Show in Sales Volume
(Home Sales 000s) (Employed 000s) Employment (right axis) Total Existing Home Sales (left axis) Recessions Peak month Year Trough Year Month November October July May August April April February December November 1970 November March January July July November July March March November Source: National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., Sources: BLS. US Census Bureau , NAR, SAAR

34 People Who Plan to Buy a Home in the Next Six Months
Average value = 3.3% US pop 2010 = 309 million; at average, 10.2 million people or 4.2 million households plan to buy a house in the next 6 months. At current rate, 5.7 million people or 2.3 million households plan to buy a house in the next 6 months. Source: The Conference Board, Original Data

35 FHFA US Monthly Home Price Index
Currently equal to ~Feb 2004 Source: FHFA, SA

36 Vacant Housing Units Vacant For Rent Vacant For Sale
Vacant & Off the Market: Other Source: US Census Bureau

37 U.S. Home Price Indexes (Y/Y Percent Change in Index)
FHFA Repeat Sales Index FHLMC HPI NAR Median Price Case-Shiller Comp 20 SA Sources: NAR, FHFA, S&P Case-Shiller, FHLMC

38 Source: US Census Bureau, NAHB, Real Estate Center
Annual New Home Sales (000, SAAR) -77% 2005 Peak to Current 2011 less than half of “normal” level needed -50% 1977 Peak to Trough -28% 1986 Peak to Trough -28% 1972 Peak to Trough Average Annual Sales by Decade: 60s 70s 80s 90s 00s Source: US Census Bureau, NAHB, Real Estate Center

39 Source: US Census Bureau, Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University
New SF Home Starts (000s SAAR) 2011 down 75% from 2005 peak and 628,000 fewer units than average per year (1.06 million) Source: US Census Bureau, Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University

40 Price Index of New Single-Family Houses Sold Including Value of Lot [2005 = 100 Index based on kinds of houses sold in 2005] Source: US Census Bureau

41 Median Price of Existing SF Homes
Major declines in 2008 & 2009 2011 median down 25% from 2006 peak Source: NAR

42 Median Existing SF Home Price
Trend Line Source: NAR, Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University

43 National Housing Affordability Index
Increase of 107% from July 2006 to Oct. 2011 Average = 132.4 Drop of 31.5% from April 2003 to July 2006 Source: NAR Composite Index

44 Median Home Prices as a Multiple of Median Household Income
New Homes (‘75-’00 avg. = 3.82) Existing Homes (‘75-’00 avg. = 3.36) Source: US Census Bureau, NAR, Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University

45 Divergent US Median HH Income and Median Home Prices
1990=100 Median Home Price Median HH Income Source: US Census Bureau, NAR

46 2010 Median Price/Median Household Income
Most Affordable States 3.0 2010 ACS housing Data.xlsx 4.0 Least Affordable States Source: FHFA 2Q2010 Median Prices, 2010 American Community Survey, U.S. Census Bureau

47 Price-to-Rent Ratio Monthly FHFA P-O Index to BLS Owners’ Equivalent Rent January 1991 = 1.0
FHFA price index/OER index ratio indexed to Jan 91 Equilibrium Source: FHFA, BLS

48 Why Hasn’t the Housing Market Recovered?
Employment uncertainty Tight Mortgage Credit Price pressure from foreclosures, distressed sales and “shadow inventory” Appraisals and the Home Valuation Code of Conduct – questionable automated valuations Confidence in the future

49 2012 Housing Outlook Market Headwinds Reasons for Optimism
Distressed/Investor sales: ~1/3 U.S. market, ~10%-20% in Texas Tight lending & low appraisals 33% cancellation rate on new and existing contracts Confidence Crisis No feeling of “well being” Lost wealth: real estate & other assets Flat income (declining real income) Uncertain future: jobs, home values Inventory: new wave of foreclosures to hit market in 2012 Move-up & move-over buyers can’t sell current home Move-out still renting can’t buy Political decisions, regulations and policies unknown & problematic Improvement in general economy Low interest rates but little impact Pent up demand by those who’ve postponed housing or doubled-up Markets bottomed will show statistical improvement Investors buoy sales but not prices Affordability: prices more in line with income Rent-Own “gap” closing Incentives on new homes substantial Population and household growth strong in Texas

50 Albert Einstein “If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research, would it?”

51 Economic and Real Estate Outlook
2012 MID-YEAR MEETING Austin, Texas April 13, 2012 Economic and Real Estate Outlook Dr. James P. Gaines Research Economist Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University

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