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Business Education and Computing Department

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1 Business Education and Computing Department
National 5 Business Management

2 SQA Requirements Component Marks Duration Question Paper 90 2 hours
Assignment 30 5 hours

3 Question Paper Represents 75% of the overall marks
All questions are compulsory Section 1 (40 marks) 2 x 20 mark case studies. Questions can sample course content from any of the 5 area of study. Material is based on real organisations and can be in form of text, financial information diagrams etc Section 2 – 5 x 10 mark questions. Each will test one of the 5 different areas of study SQA Exam will take place on Friday 18 May 2018

4 Assignment Represents 25% of the overall marks Pupils are required to:
Select an appropriate business topic/organisation Research and gather suitable business data relating to the topic/organisation Explain and analyse the key features of the topic/organisation Draw valid conclusions/make recommendations Produce an appropriately formatted business report

5 Examples of Assignment Topics
An investigation into the marketing mix of company X The effectiveness of company Y’s recruitment policy How can A improve the quality of their product? How does B compete with C? Customer service of X

6 Assignment Important Dates
15 December Information Packs issued to pupils w/b 8 January Topic chosen and organisation background completed and submitted 15 February Research and analysis completed and submitted 14 March Final report submitted for SQA

7 Preliminary Examinations
These are scheduled to take place 10 – 23 JANUARY 2018

8 Pupils Not Coping at National 5
Following unsatisfactory performance in Prelim Exam, some pupils may be recommended to move to National 4 Pupils will then complete a range of tasks in each of the following areas: Understanding Business Management of Marketing and Operations Management of People and Finance Pupils will also have to complete and Added Value Unit ALL Assessment tasks require to be completed by Friday 27 April 2017

9 What Can You Do To Support Your Child?
Encourage them to attend class every period Ensure that any homework issued is completed Encourage them to ask for help if experiencing difficulty Encourage them to watch the news/read newspapers – useful for Assignment Check that they are meeting Assignment deadlines Supported study is available Tuesday lunchtimes

10 Resources Core Notes – these have been issued for all Units
Pupil Notes and Activities, Homework activities and PowerPoints for each unit have been uploaded to Glow Past Paper packs will be issued

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