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Returning Contacts 2018-19 End of Year (EOY)Training Module 1 – Data Collection and Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Returning Contacts 2018-19 End of Year (EOY)Training Module 1 – Data Collection and Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Returning Contacts End of Year (EOY)Training Module 1 – Data Collection and Review

2 Agenda – Module 1 End of Year (EOY) Purpose (slides 3-6)
Your Presenter Ryan Hartung End of Year (EOY) Purpose (slides 3-6) General Submissions Information (slides 7-11) Data Collection and Review (slides 12-18) Purpose: Provide information on the collection, entry and review of data General Notes (slides 19-21) Timelines and Deadlines (slide 22)

3 Purpose of the End of Year Collection
The student end of year snapshot collects the educational information for all students attending in the current school year.  Information collected includes: Demographic Identifiers Enrollment and Withdrawal Information Services the Students Received Post Secondary and AP Course Information

4 Data Used to Determine EOY data is used to calculate the following rates (school, district, and state levels): *This information is used for school performance and accreditation ratings Graduation Dropout Completion CDE Resources on how these are calculated Graduation, completion, and dropout rates definitions and calculations (PPTX)     Dropout rates calculations (PPTX)     Explanation of Anticipated Year of Graduation (AYG) (PPTX)    Graduation and completion rates calculations (PPTX)    

5 Data Used to Determine (con’t)
EOY data is also used to determine stability and mobility rates CDE Resources on how these are calculated

6 Mobility Calculation The student end of year snapshot collects the educational information for all students attending in the current school year.  Information collected includes: The Date Range that CDE uses has been modified from the beginning of the school year to Count Day through the end of the year. All Entry Types are included if the student enrolled on or after Count Day. All Exit Types will be included (unless considered a graduate or completer – exit types 90, 92, 93, 94, and 95) unless it is 00 or the ones mentioned. A student with a gap in attendance of 10 or more consecutive days is considered mobile.

7 General Submissions Information

8 Data Submissions in 4 Steps
Module 1 Repeat steps 1-3 until data is complete and accurate!

9 General Collection Resources
Data Submissions Handbook CSI Data Submissions Calendar Troubleshooting Errors Spreadsheet CSI End of Year Page* * - The CSI End of Year Page contains several EOY specific resources that will be helpful to complete the collection.

10 End of Year Collection Resources
Additional Resources Available on the End of Year Page: 4 Training Modules separated by “New” and “Returning” Staff File Layout and Definition Documents for each of the 5 Files SD/SSA Validation Strategies Document English Learner Coding and Program Options Mobility Rate Validation Instructions Free and Reduced Lunch Resources SIS Resources

11 End of Year Files To create the EOY snapshot, each school will be submitting some or all of the following interchange files, which will be extracted from their SIS: *Only submitted by schools that have either AP Courses, Postsecondary Programs or are CSI Designated Title I Targeted Assistance Schools. Student Demographics (SD) Student School Association (SSA) Title I* Advanced Course Completion (ACC)* NEW – Graduation Guidelines File

12 SIS Data Collection and Review Process

13 SASID Request Process Information on SASID Attainment, a request template and links to the CDE RITS page can be found on the CSI Website:

14 Data Entry in SIS/Update Process
PowerSchool users can access the CSI PowerSchool/Data Collection Mapping Guide to identify which fields need to be filled in so that when a state file is extracted, there are no (or few) blanks on the file Infinite Campus users can access the state reporting resources in Campus Community. Each resource includes a Report Layout section, in which the last column of the report (Campus Interface) identifies where the data needs to be entered into Infinite Campus Screenshot of Mapping Guide for initial SD fields Screenshot of Report Layout section of the SSA File

15 Data Review in your SIS Reviewing specific areas will vary, but for EOY it is important to check: Blank Fields Advanced Course Completion (ACC) Data Retention Codes Free and Reduced Lunch (Comparison with October Count) Sharing the various SIS reports with appropriate school staff can help validate data further (ex. Cass rosters to the teachers to review data) For tips on using Excel features to further review data, please review the Using Excel for Importing and Reviewing Data module

16 SIS Search Features to Review Data
Please make use of the search features in your SIS to check your data before extracting and submitting to CSI. Some key searches: Search for exit codes: If you used an 11 or 13, make sure you have adequate documentation (i.e. confirmation of attendance) from the receiving school PS: ExitCode=# IC: student.endstatus=# Search for retention code: Confirm that retention code = 1 did not roll over from the prior year PS: CoRetentionCode=# IC: es.retained=# Search Entry and Exit codes for unique situations Exits due to illness, excessive absences, etc. Some codes require that the student return in that same school year Infinite Campus users – see Ad Hoc Reporting resources in Campus Community. For Ad Hoc Reporting/basic searching assistance, please reach out to: Mina Parthasarathy, SIS Support Coordinator, (provide a phone number in s to Mina)

17 Data Review in your SIS You may continue to update your SIS and extract new SD, SSA, ACC, Title I, or Graduation Guidelines files up until your school (or CSI) performs the system’s end of year roll over (rolling over from to 19-20). In June, schools typically Stop extracting files from their SIS Start making updates to the actual Excel files (Assuming your school’s end of year roll over doesn’t take place before then, you may want to consider moving to Excel after clearing Level 1 errors) SIS EOY PREP: 1. Extract files early to make sure that expected data is being pulled in, particularly for ACC and Grad Guidelines. 2. Check with your SIS administrator to ensure you are aware of when they plan to roll over the system so you can plan the last day to update the SIS and extract files. Let them know that you need to need to be kept aware of the roll over timeline.

18 SIS Setup Review As you are completing the EOY Collection and run into issues, ensure that the setups have not changed since October Count or necessary changes are not incorrectly impacting your data. It is important to review the setups of each SIS by reviewing the below links and ensuring accuracy: PowerSchool State Reporting Setup Instructions: Campus Community System Administration Resources:

19 General Notes (Thoughts to Consider)

20 Data Review in your SIS All students who were reported in the October count MUST be included on the EOY report. Check for students who are in your SIS for 18-19, but never actually attended. Mark these students as “Exclude from State Reporting” in your SIS! They will negatively impact accountability rates if you do not. PowerSchool- select the student, select the State/Province – CO tab, choose Yes for the Exclude from State Reporting dropdown, then Save/Submit. Infinite Campus- select the student, click on the Enrollment tab, click the current line of enrollment, check the No Show checkbox, click Save.

21 Consistancy Between OC and EOY Collections
English Learners – The Language Background/Proficiency fields should remain unchanged from what was reported in October Count. If this information was inaccurately reported in OC, please reach out to CSI for an exception request. Free and Reduced Lunch – The FRL numbers should be relatively consistent between collections with some minor fluctuations (i.e. student entries/exits etc. Primary Disability – Students on IEPs and reported in Special Education Collections should have a Primary Disability completed in both. This may change due to students receiving IEPs throughout the year, exiting the school or to regular education, but should be somewhat consistent. Homeless – Students marked as homeless at the beginning of the year should remain this way throughout the collections.

22 EOY Collection Timelines and Deadlines
Task 02/20/2019 Initial File Submittal Due 06/13/2019 Schools must have all Level 1 errors cleared 07/12/2019 Schools must have all Level 2 errors cleared 08/30/2019 Initial Summary Certification Reviewed – Data Approval Sent to CSI 11/01/2019 Final Signed Certification Agreements to CSI

23 Thank you for Reviewing this Module
Module 1 has now been completed. Please access Module 2 when you are ready to extract files and submit to CSI Contact the Submissions Inbox with Questions:

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