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Standard and Emergency Operating Procedures

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1 Standard and Emergency Operating Procedures
Module 7 Standard and Emergency Operating Procedures

2 Objectives Explain why NPS uses SEOPs Understand that SEOPs are based on Federal, Navy and local requirements Understand SEOPs are Command endorsed Describe verbatim compliance

3 All operations at NPS using ionizing radiation are used IAW SEOPs
Ensure Federal, Navy and local requirements are met Protects employees, public and the environment Auditable by NRC, NAVSEADET RASO and RSO Radiation Safety Committee reviewed, RSO approved and Command endorsed

4 SEOP SEOPs are sequential documents unless otherwise noted
Verbatim Compliance Reviewed annually Specific SEOP training and qualification

5 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
Federal Requirements Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 10 CFR-Energy 19 Notices, Instructions and Reports to Workers 20 Standard for protection against radiation 21 Reporting of defects and noncompliance 71 Packaging and transportation of radioactive material 49 CFR-Transportation

6 Navy NAVSEA S0420-AA-RAD-010 (RAD-010) , Revision 1, Radiological Affairs Support Program Manual Provides Navy requirements for use of ionizing radiation in addition to Federal requirements

7 NPS NAVPGSCOL INST G Radiation Safety Instruction for Naval Postgraduate School Site specific requirements

8 Radiation Protection When radiation producing machines and sources are used IAW SEOP unnecessary exposure is prevented and the deleterious effects of ionizing radiation exposure are minimized

9 Auditable SEOPs are a significant part of the NPS Radiation Protection Program and are auditable by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NAVSEADET RASO and NPS RSO/ARSO or those designated by RSO. Inspections include: Operational, training and dosimetry records Observation of operations

10 Reviewed and Endorsed SEOPs are reviewed by the NPS Radiation Safety Committee prior to Command endorsement and annually thereafter. Command endorsed Reviewed and approved by the President NPS Official policy of NPS

11 Sequential SEOPs are intended to be used in the sequential manner in which they are written Prevents violations Protects equipment Minimizes exposure

12 Verbatim Compliance SEOPs are intended to be performed exactly as written. If a step in the SEOP cannot be performed as written; stop and notify the RSO Failure to follow procedures exactly can result in research being shutdown; up to and including all NPS research using ionizing radiation

13 Specific SEOP training
Radiation worker training introduces the core philosophies of SEOPs. Training and exams are required prior to being qualified as an authorized user on a specific machine or source.

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