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Public Engagement Teri Hansen and Kevin Newingham, Co-Champions.

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1 Public Engagement
Teri Hansen and Kevin Newingham, Co-Champions

2 Public Engagement – Goal
Embrace the Healthy Lee brand to implement the Vision of “Collaborating for Community Health”. Create community awareness and engagement in Healthy Lee goals and initiatives.

3 Public Engagement – Scorecard
First measured in PRC 2014 Survey (Winter ) launch Fall 2013 10.9% had heard of Healthy Lee 8.8% recognized Choose. Commit. Change. 28.8% of those who knew Healthy Lee reported it had impacted their lifestyle Measures from PRC so will not change until 2017.

4 Million Mile Movement Community Challenge Fall 2015
Goal to increase both community physical activity and traffic to 1,581 registered individuals 363,084 miles logged 25 different in-kind media sponsors (print, online, TV, radio) 15 local business sponsors Discussion/planning for Jan MMM

5 5210 Pledge Campaign May – August 2016
Builds on successful kids 5210 campaign This Pledge is for adults and families too Eat 5 servings Fruit/Veggies daily No more than 2 hrs. recreational screen time 1 hr. physical activity daily 0 sugary beverages

6 Results Yield Increased activity
New website launched Fall 2015 Comparing May 2016 vs. May 2015 we see - 28,827 visits ↑6007% Average stay about 2 minutes ↑1506% 65,479 total pages ↑12,970% 1,486 Facebook visits ↑291% 2,960 engaged Facebook users ↑556% 1,115 “Likes” ↑59% 79,078 Facebook user reach ↑1,858% In addition the Bounce Rate decreased 41% vs. May Indicating people who found the site were engaged and found what they were looking for and did not click out. Number of new sessions decreased 42% - which is a positive indicator that visitors viewed the site as a resource and repeatedly went back for more information.

7 Other Community Engagement
Robbie Roepstorff presentations: FGCU, SWFL Community Foundation, Bonita City Council, Sustainability Summit (w/Pounders, Jackson) Healthy Lee monthly column in The News-Press (provided by LMHS) Numerous news stories on HL initiatives Speaker’s Bureau Outreach Team Healthy Lee co-branding materials (provided by LMHS) In follow up to the suggestions from the 2015 Steering Committee discussion, we added several more outreach efforts to engage the community. Robbie made several formal PowerPoint presentations and served on panels to share the Healthy Lee Story. Sally Jackson and Annette Pounders also share a panel with Robbie. Sally did other presentations for clinical groups and chambers of commerce. Lee Memorial volunteered to donate a monthly column it provides to The News-Press for Healthy Lee. A full year of stories on Healthy Lee partnerships and successes resulted. Copies of the actual news stories from local papers, and TV are also included in your packets today. Our Healthy Lee Speaker’s Bureau continues to be offered on and supported by LMHS. Lee Memorial also co-branded materials for their Outreach Team as Healthy Lee for use in the community. This included several community partner brochures, event table skirts with Healthy Lee logo, and named co-sponsor with LMHS for several community events. All these efforts provided more opportunities for Healthy Lee brand recognition.

8 Public Engagement Discussion

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