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Presentation on theme: "ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE PROPAGATION Polarization"— Presentation transcript:

Fields and Waves Lesson 5.4 ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE PROPAGATION Polarization Lale T. Ergene

2 Wave Polarization describes the shape and locus of tip of the vector at a given point in space as a function of time The locus of , may have three different polarization states depends on conditions Linear Circular Elliptical

3 Polarization For a +z-propagating wave, there are two possible directions of Direction of is called as polarization They are two independent solution for the wave equation Linear combinations make all possibilities

4 Ey0=ayejδ ax,ay are the magnitudes of Ex0 and Ey0
Polarization a uniform plane wave traveling in the +z direction may have x and y components Complex amplitudes The phase difference between the complex amplitudes of x and y components of electric field can be defines with angle δ Ex0=ax Ey0=ayejδ ax,ay are the magnitudes of Ex0 and Ey0

5 Polarization The phasor of electric field
The corresponding instantaneous field

6 Intensity and Inclination Angle
The intensity of The inclination angle ψ generally they both are function of t and z

7 Linear Polarization E +z B
Can make any angle from the horizontal and vertical waves

8 Linear Polarization A wave is said to be linearly polarized if and
Are in phase (δ=0) or out of phase (δ=π) In phase Out of phase

9 Linear Polarization (out of phase)

10 Linear Polarization Looking up from +z
x-polarized or horizontal polarized ay= ψ=0° or ° y-polarized or vertical polarized ax= ψ=90° or °

11 Circular Polarization
A wave is said to be circularly polarized if the magnitudes of and are equal and The phase difference is δ=±π/2 δ=π/2 δ=-π/2

12 Elliptical Polarization
Generally ax≠ay≠0 and δ≠0. the tip of traces an elliptical path in x-y plane rotation angle, γ -π/2≤γ≤π/2 Ellipticity angle, χ -π/4≤χ≤π/4

13 Polarization states The wave is traveling out of the slide
Do problem 1&2


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