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Presentation on theme: "TECHNICAL & SAFETY COMMITTEE"— Presentation transcript:

International Parachuting Commission FAI

2 41 countries supplied data (these figures include Tandems)
2007 Safety Report 41 countries supplied data 6,222,629 skydives were made by 837,831 jumpers 68 people were killed skydiving (these figures include Tandems) 1 Fatality per 91,509 jumps 12,321 jumpers

3 68 Fatalities 16 Students (24%) 0-25 Freefalls
16 Intermed. (24%) Freefalls 36 Experts (53%) Freefalls Total 68 Cutaway & Low/No reserve pull 11 No pull/low pull on main Others

4 ‘Other’ Fatalities (52) Landing Errors 15 Fast Canopies 11
Medical Issues Collision under open Canopies Main/Reserve Entanglement Tandem Fatalities Freefall Collision Main Malfunction, no Reserve Activation 2 No Main Activation, too low Reserve Activation 1 Drowning Dragged on Landing Hard Opening Reserve opened at Aircraft Door 1 Unknown Total 52

5 Fatalities – Largest Groups
1 22% (15 of 68) Other Landing Errors 2 16% (11) Fast Canopies 3 10% (7) Cutaway and no Reserve Deployment

6 Some Significant Figures
32 of the 68 fatalities (47%) occurred with the parachutist having at least one good parachute on his/her back 34 of the 68 fatalities (50%) occurred after the successful deployment of the main parachute 16 of the 68 fatalities (24%) might have been avoided by AAD use 55 of the 68 fatalities (81%) appear to have been caused by human error 5 of the 68 Fatalities were First Jump Students 2 of the 68 Fatalities were Tandem, Instructor & Student

7 Some Trends & Issues High numbers of fatalities resulting from landing and handling canopies – a continuing issue. Fatalities from Medical Issues, 6 – 12%, appears to be a more apparent factor in recent years. This may point to an ageing skydiving population or other factors may be involved. % of fatalities in 2007 may have been avoided by the use of AAD

8 Tandem - Solo 5,624,395 Solo jumps – 598,234 Tandems
Tandems 9.6% of all jumps, Tandem & Solo jumps 12.2% in 2006; 10.4% in 2005 5,624,395 Solo jumps – 598,234 Tandems Tandems ratio to other types of First Jump To Static Line and IAD/JAD 10 : 1 To AFF : 1 To S/L, IAD/JAD, AFF combined : 1 Tandem Fatalities 2 (3%) Solo Fatalities 66 (97%)

9 Distribution of Reports
This report, along with 2007 AAD Report, and Power Point presentations for both reports, has been sent by to all respondents and to all other countries for which we have addresses. CDs are available to IPC Delegates and to those who request copies. The CD has the following - 2007 Safety Survey Report 2007 Safety Survey Report Power Point Presentation 2007 AAD Report AAD Report Power Point Presentation Information Notices (8) issued in 2008 by T & S Committee Safety Survey 2008 Form Safety Survey 2008 Notes AAD Survey 2008 Form APPEAL Those countries who did not report for 2007 are earnestly requested to make a special effort to do so for The compilation of data is to the benefit of the country gathering same, not only to IPC and the worldwide skydiving community.


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