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Applications 2019 Date/Time: Jan 18, 2019 9:00 AM Mountain Time Join online: Dial in: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 876 9923 Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Applications 2019 Date/Time: Jan 18, 2019 9:00 AM Mountain Time Join online: Dial in: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 876 9923 Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Applications 2019 Date/Time: Jan 18, :00 AM Mountain Time Join online: Dial in: or Meeting ID:

2 Applications 2019 Welcome! Introductions Name and title Organization

3 Applications 2019 Welcome! Structure of webinar CCC Eligibility
Application components Timeline Making the most of the CCC Questions

4 Applications 2018 Why join the CCC? No upfront fees
An efficient way to reach a large audience Increased awareness of your nonprofit Incremental, automatic giving means that most people give more overall Lower administrative costs because you are processing a single, large payment versus multiple smaller payments.

5 Applications 2018 CCC Eligibility Types of nonprofits served
Umbrella federations and their nonprofits CUSSOs State university and college foundations State Service Organizations (independent nonprofits affiliated with one or more Colorado State government agencies)

6 Applications 2019 Structure of application form
Application Form Application checklist Attachment instructions Forms which make up a portion of a completed application

7 Applications 2019 A note about application content
Three types of content Items we provide (and you fill out and return) Items you generate on your own Items you gather from another source

8 Applications 2019 Items we provide
Contact information form Bylaw certifications form Sources of funding table Disclosure of expenditures table Administration and fundraising ratio form AFR explanation form State Association Nonprofit Form (CUSSO) Statement of local presence form Nonprofit information worksheet (Both CUSSO and Umbrella. Umbrella fills out for all their members)

9 Applications 2019 Items you generate Cover letter Narrative
IRS Form 990 or pro forma Audit or financial review Current budget and board minutes approving Non-discrimination policy Board of directors list List of leadership staff Annual report, if available

10 Applications 2018 Items you gather IRS determination letter
Certificate of good standing Certificate of registration

11 Applications 2019 Items specific to application form versions
Umbrella Federations CCC fund distribution history (you generate) CCC fund disbursement procedures (you generate) CUSSO State association statement form (we provide)

12 Applications 2019 Recent changes Narrative (Section IV)
Programs and activities Key accomplishments Reporting and transparency Certificate of good standing AND certificate of registration AFR: more explanation if 35% or higher Statement of local presence form

13 Applications 2019 Nonprofit Information Worksheet
Critical document used for printed brochure and website Formerly called Attachment A Look at tabs for instructions on how to complete this worksheet. Cause Areas (Column P) and Physical Location (Column Q) are drop downs. See Instructions and Data Validation pages for more information.

14 Applications 2019 Timeline

15 Applications 2019 How to maximize the value of the CCC
Submit great photos and 25 word description(s) Stay alert to speaking opportunities Volunteer to speak at lead coordinator training event Promote workplace giving on your website and communications If you know state employees, encourage them to give through the CCC and tell others they work with to do the same

16 Applications 2019 For more information and help Beth Dalton· Becky Herlinger ·

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