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By : Alena Peck Date Completed :

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1 By : Alena Peck Date Completed :
Repellants Test By : Alena Peck Date Completed :

2 The Problem or Question { what you are investigating in the project }
What 3 types of liquids repel the most people? Or

3 Background The reason I choose this project is because I wanted to test the amount of smells that come from everyday items. The reason I choose this project is because I have been thinking of crazy ideas and they never work finally one of my projects will work.I also wanted to figure out a way to keep bugs away during the summer time.

4 Hypothesis If I test the liquid of curdled milk ,then that will repeal the most people.

5 Variables Independant : 3 types of liquid Dependant : The amount of people left. Constants : Same People , Tempature , Same Room

6 Procedure Recruit 6 test subjects
Create the 3 smells needed for the experiment Block up a suitable room so no “fresh air” can get in and place the first liquid in the room. Put 8 people in the room. Count each person who leaves the room and record Put the data recorded into a graph Spray air freshener in the room and repeat numbers with the other materials.

7 Data I found out that My Hypothesis was wrong. The real “tearjerker”
smell was the Rotten Eggs , by there for the test results show the answer .

8 Conclusion My question was “What 3 types of liquids repel the most people?”. My experiment was a success. I got all of my liquids from my house, so I didn't have to spend any money. My experiment consisted of 3 tests. Rotten egg liquid,the result of baking soda and vinegar, and curdled milk. I used my family members for the test. The test lasted 5 minutes each.

9 Conclusion 2 The curdled milk test made 5 people leave. The result of baking soda and vinegar test made 3 people leave. Finally the rotten egg liquid made 7 people leave. My data is not supported by my hypothesis. My hypothesis said that curdled milk would repel the most people . I was wrong ,the rotten egg liquid repelled the most people.

10 Conclusion 3 I learned that you have to make sure that you close each container and make them have no holes or your test may be little compromised but its okay. The containers were not fully closed so some of the nasty air escaped. Not really any problems except people did not want to help me.I would have changed my project completely

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