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The Civil Rights Movement

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1 The Civil Rights Movement
Major Concepts

2 Stereotype Def: A widely held and fixed idea of something or someone that is oversimplified. Q:How did stereotypes play a role in the treatment of minorities during the Civil Rights Movement? Answer:

3 Prejudice-Pre-judgement
Def: A Pre-conceived opinion or viewpoint that is not based on reason or actual experience, toward a person or group member based solely on group membership. Q: Is all prejudice negative or bad? Answer:

4 Tolerance Def: The ability or willingness to tolerate or accept something or someone, specifically if that person or thing has opinions or behavior that one does not agree with Q: Is it ok to tolerate a viewpoint or lifestyle that is the complete opposite of our own belief system, or experience? Answer:

5 Diversity Def: The state of having variety of different elements or qualities (such as people or culture) make up an experience or included in a community. Q: Is Diversity ever a bad thing? A:

6 Racism Def: Is the belief of superiority of one race over another that often times results in negative treatment based solely on affiliation to a given race or ethnicity. Q: What is race and how many races are there? Is it an ever changing number? Answer:

7 Ethnicity Def: A social group that shares a common cultural tradition or National origin who identify as similar because of ancestry, language, religion, or other bonded experiences. Q: How does one obtain their ethnicity? A:

8 Discrimination Def: The unjust treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, religion, gender, or sex. Q: What is the difference between discrimination and discriminate? A:

9 Disenfranchisement Def: The state of being deprived of a right or rights, specifically the right to vote? Q: Is it possible to be legally disenfranchised? Can you think of an example? A:

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