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Quality Assurance in the European Statistical System

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1 Quality Assurance in the European Statistical System
Øystein Olsen Director General, Statistics Norway Q2010 Conference Helsinki, 4 May 2010

2 Quality and Trust in Statistics
Complexity of societies Globalisation and European integration Increased demand for high quality official statistics in Europe Quality decisive for trust!

3 ESS responses to the challenges
European Statistics Code of Practice Cracow/Haag action plans – modernisation of the system New European Statistical Law New Governance structure: ESAC and ESGAB Sponsorship on Quality

4 ESS Sponsorship on Quality
The mandate: To promote a common view and understanding of ESS quality management To recommend possible modifications of the Code of Practice To provide recommendations on how to proceed with quality work in ESS

5 Work Program of the Sponsorship on Quality:

6 Quality frameworks and the ESCoP

7 Implementing Quality Frameworks
The European level: Code of Practice compliance: International reviews and benchmarking National Quality Assurance: A common framework: The Code of Practice Minimum standards Quality guidelines Tools (indicators, reports, assessments etc) Documentation

8 ESS Quality architecture
ESS level national / Eurostat level ESS Statistical Law national Statistical Law ESS Quality Declaration (national TQM framework) National QAF: Description of practices and procedures for implementing the CoP QAF: ESS standards for implementing the CoP

9 Tools for quality assurance (Eurostat handbook)

10 Documentation of Code of Practice compliance – the French case:

11 Quality and standardisation
Standardisation of processes, methods and systems Facilitates quality assessment and assurance Reduces risks Effectiveness Benchmarking Best practices also through international cooperation

12 Support and infrastructure in the Business process model
Data Collection Dissemination Metadata system Analysis Data Editing and Estimation Archive Support and Infrastructure IT Services Information Management

13 Quality and methodology
The pioneers were statisticians But what is the situation today? Need for revitalisation of statistical methodology within quality work?

14 Non-response rate and Diffusion Index with 95 percent confidence interval

15 Aspects of quality in register based statistics
Relevance (for statistics) Accuracy (of each record) Timeliness (update of registers) and reference time Comparability (over time) Accessibility and clarity (documentation) Administrative concepts Coverage and completeness Record matching ability Compatibility (between file formats) Confidentiality Source: Eurostat meeting on Assessment of quality in statistics 2003

16 Administration of statistical populations
Original register Statistical version

17 The way forward The Code of Practice has to be kept alive!
National Quality Assurance: Agreeing on minimum standards Standardisation and harmonisation Bringing in the statisticians! Unlike businesses, we are free to cooperate!

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