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The American Revolution

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Presentation on theme: "The American Revolution"— Presentation transcript:

1 The American Revolution

2 The debate over independence.
Why might some delegates (and many colonists) have been reluctant to declare independence in 1775?

3 British actions that pushed the colonists to declare independence:
What actions by the British suggested that compromise was no longer possible?

4 Challenges Mobilizing for War?
Economic Challenges - How to pay for the war? The CC could not tax and had no treasury source of steady income Colonies are reluctant to help pay Foreign loans will be the #1 source of $$ (France, Spain, and Holland.) Robert Morris – Managed Colonial Finances

5 Supporting the war effort
Why might some colonial recruits favor joining their state militia over the Continental Army?

6 General George Washington’s Herculean Task
Challenges facing GW: Fielding a Continental Army Handling the colonial militias Logistics Rivals for command No navy

7 American Society at War
Americans roughly divided into thirds: Loyalists: Who would remain loyal? Patriots: Who would likely join the rebellion? Neutrals: Who would want to stay out?

8 Phase I (1775-76) New England Lexington & Concord Siege of Boston
Battle of Bunker Hill Capture of Ft. Ticonderoga Invasion of Canada British evacuate Boston

9 Phase II (1776-78) The Middle Colony Campaign
British strategy to isolate New England New York campaign Battles of Trenton & Princeton Howe moves on Philadelphia Battle of Saratoga *Turning Point of war British Gen Burgoyne surrenders to Gen Gates at Saratoga (1777)

10 The French Connection Why would an absolute monarch like King Louis XVI agree to an alliance with the democratic, largely Protestant, American colonists?

11 Why does British strategy shift to the Southern Colonies?

12 Phase III (1778-81) British capture Charleston, SC
Cornwallis vs. Gates, and later Greene The brutal nature of the Southern Campaign Cornwallis retreats to Virginia Combined American - French operations defeat the British at Yorktown British surrender

13 The Peace of Paris, 1783 1781-1783 The colonies are represented by
Peace negotiations last from The colonies are represented by Ben Franklin, John Adams, John Jay, and Henry Laurens. While fighting in the American colonies had ended, the larger war between Britain, France and Spain continued, hanging over the negotiations. Diplomatic intrigue was the norm. Breaking with their French allies, the Americans signed a separate peace with Britain.

14 Highlights from the Peace of Paris
The British recognized American independence. The British recognized American territorial claims to territory between the Atlantic and Mississippi. The Americans secured fishing rights off the coast of New Foundland. The Americans agreed to allow British creditors to pursue debts in the colonies. The American govt would urge states to restore to Loyalists their confiscated property. The British would have navigational rights on the Mississippi River. Why would the British be so generous to the Americans?


16 December 4th, 1783, the last British troops left New York.
December 23, 1883, General George Washington resigns his commission. Later, upon hearing of this, King George III, called Washington “the greatest man in the world.”

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