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HIV/Aids By: Evan Martonis.

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1 HIV/Aids By: Evan Martonis

2 HIV/AIDS H- Human I-Immunodeficiency V- Virus A- Acquired I- Immune
D- Deficiency S- Syndrome

3 The virus The AIDS epidemic is rumored to have started around 1920 from Kinshasa, in the democratic republic of Congo. It is thought to have been crossed from Chimpanzees over to humans

4 What is a virus? A virus is a highly contagious disease that infests a body and multiplies itself within the casing, it does this by attaching to a host cell and injecting its genetic material into said host cell

5 How is it transferred ? People can get AIDS through many ways one being sexual contact, another case is through blood, open wounds, sores, sharing needles, etc.

6 Patient zero The first recorded case of the AIDS virus was in 1959 when scientists were analyzing frozen blood samples from African countries when they found a trace of HIV in an unidentified African man.

7 Symptoms Reoccurring pain, especially whilst swallowing, and in the abdomen White tongue or ulcers inside of mouth Sores or swelling in groin Fatigue, fevers, loss of appetite, persistent sweating, Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea

8 How long does it take? It takes approximately 10 years for AIDS to develop from a person with HIV

9 Deaths of famous celebrities from HIV
Freddie Mercury Jim J. Bullock John Megna Jean-Paul Aron Steven Corbin Rock Hudson Anthony Perkins

10 Death toll In the whole world, 30 million people have had their lives taken by HIV/AIDS In just the US it is recorded that 658,507 people have died so far

11 The Infection spreads The amount of people infected worldwide increases every day, at last count it was about 36.7 million at the end of 2016, although the same year 1.8 became newly infected

12 Famous people who have it now
Magic Johnson Greg Louganis Chuck Panozzo Danny Pintauro Charlie Sheen Mondo Guerra Viktor Luna

13 How to avoid infection Use protection during reproduction
Don’t do drugs/share needles Have you and your partner checked Clean wounds, don’t share blood Don’t breastfeed if you have HIV

14 Treatments There are many treatments that you can use to help prevent and or slow down HIV, unfortunately there is no official cure One of these treatments is a medicine called Rilpivirine also known as Edurant, this stops the virus from making copies of itself, therefore postponing its chances of spreading

15 In conclusion Many people have died from this virus, many people are infected every minute, and lose their lives every minute to this infection. However, sadly, scientists have yet to discover a cure

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