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ACC Member Perceptions of MOC West Virginia Chapter

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1 ACC Member Perceptions of MOC West Virginia Chapter
June 2015

2 Methodology Online survey distributed by U.S. ACC Chapters to chapter members. Survey live April 9 – May 4, At least one reminder s sent. Completes: n=4,406 ACC members completed the survey in 2014 N=3,380 ACC members completed the survey in 2015 n=16 West Virginia ACC Chapter members completed the survey in 2014 N=25 West Virginia ACC Chapter members completed the survey in 2015

3 Respondent Composition
TENURE 2014 Total 2015 ACC U.S. MD Membership WV ACC WV MD Membership In training 11% 7% 12% 0% 32% 16% 1 - 7 years 13% 19% 8% 18% years 6% 4% years 15% 14% years 20% 25% 29 or more years 23% 24% 29% 44% 28% Not in practice 1% -- No response <1% 4,406 3,380 31,813 16 25 160

4 Key Findings Overall, ACC West Virginia Chapter Members mirror those in the rest of the U.S. with respect to attitudes toward MOC. Most members are both aware and familiar with the recent MOC changes. Members remain opposed to the new ABIM MOC requirements, however this sentiment is a bit softer than what was recorded a year ago. Members want MOC requirement to be removed, Dual Track: either Part 3 or Part 2, and want ACC to assume certification responsibilities with ABIM. A third (32%) of West Virginia members believe ACC Leadership performed very well in working with ABIM to change the MOC process while one-fifths (20%) say the performance has been poor.

5 Awareness of 2015 MOC Requirements
Q. Are you aware of the changes that American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) made to its Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program as of 2015?

6 Awareness of 2015 MOC Requirements - Comparison to Total U.S.
Q. Are you aware of the changes that American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) made to its Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program as of 2015?

7 Description of MOC In February 2015, the ABIM made an announcement that it will be making immediate changes to the MOC program. In their statement, ABIM admitted that the organization launched programs that were not ready, that the MOC program was not presented in a meaningful way to physicians, and that ABIM is looking to make improvements to the program to meet the needs of physicians. The changes included suspending Practice Assessment (Part IV), Patient Voice and Patient Safety for at least 2 years and changing “Meeting MOC Requirements” to “Participating in MOC”. Current requirements include: • Obtain 100 points every 5 years (Part II, III and IV). • You may continue to participate in Part IV to earn MOC points but are not required to do so. Additionally, any Part IV activities that you have recently completed or would like to participate in, will still count for MOC points. • Secure exam is still scheduled for every 10 years, but is being reviewed. • Some MOC Part II activities are required every 2 years.

8 2015 MOC Familiarity 2014 WV 2015 WV Very Familiar 63% 60%
Not Familiar % % Q. How familiar are you with all of the recent changes that the ABIM has made to its certification / recertification process?

9 2015 MOC Familiarity - Comparison to Total U.S.
2015 Total WV Very Familiar % % Not Familiar % % Q. How familiar are you with all of the recent changes that the ABIM has made to its certification / recertification process?

10 2015 MOC Favorability 2014 WV 2015 WV Total Favor 0% 0%
Total Oppose % % Q. Do you favor or oppose the new ABIM MOC requirements?

11 2015 MOC Favorability - Comparison to Total U.S.
2015 Total WV Total Favor % % Total Oppose % % Q. Do you favor or oppose the new ABIM MOC requirements?

12 MOC Effect on Future Plans
2014 WV WV Total Yes % % Total No % % Q. Have these recent MOC requirements affected your planning for the future, specifically thoughts of retirement, part-time practice or transitioning out of the practice of cardiovascular medicine?

13 MOC Effect on Future Plans - Comparison to Total U.S.
2015 Total WV Total Yes % % Total No % % Q. Have these recent MOC requirements affected your planning for the future, specifically thoughts of retirement, part-time practice or transitioning out of the practice of cardiovascular medicine?

14 Recommended MOC Process Revisions
Q. If you were tasked with revising the MOC process for cardiologists, which of the following would you recommend? Please select all that apply.

15 Recommended MOC Revisions - Comparison to Total U.S.
Q. If you were tasked with revising the MOC process for cardiologists, which of the following would you recommend? Please select all that apply.

16 Recommended ACC Support
Q. Recognizing that the ABIM is a completely separate and independent entity from the ACC, how could the ACC best serve its members regarding the MOC requirement changes from ABIM? Please select all that apply.

17 Recommended ACC Support - Comparison to Total U.S.
Q. Recognizing that the ABIM is a completely separate and independent entity from the ACC, how could the ACC best serve its members regarding the MOC requirement changes from ABIM? Please select all that apply.

18 ACC Leadership Performance
2015 Total WV Very well % 32% Very poor 19% % Q. How did we do? How do you think the ACC Leadership performed in working with ABIM to make meaningful changes to the MOC process.

19 MOC … Q. And lastly, please provide any final comments that you would like ACC leadership to know concerning the 2015 ABIM revised requirements concerning Maintenance of Certification.

20 From the Mouths of Members …
A good start, but more work to do. If we would attend an ACC sponsored CME course, even complete some questions, why would this not count for MOC? The MOC needs to be more flexible. Everyone agrees we need to keep up on knowledge, it is a matter of methodology. "ABIM appears to have vested financial interests. These need to be fully investigated and curtailed before I feel I can trust them with the process of recertification. I feel extorted any time I am forced to pay them. Even charges for initial certification are exorbitant." ABIM has lost all credibility with their recent attempts to change MOC. This is a ridiculous program for a practicing Cardiologist. Nothing more than an attempt to put more money in their pocket. Abolish MOC and return lifelong certification documenting attainment of consultant status Allow ACC CME Courses to count for MOC Requirements As a current interventional fellow, I am very discouraged by the current state of the ABIM. I have recently certified and now I am forced to sign up for MOC or will be listed as "Not Certified" even though I have just passed the exam and paid $2200 for the exam. I find it very unreasonable to list new graduates as "Not Certified" just because we do not agree to this money making scheme. I think it's time for the ACC to step up and take control of recertification and continuing education for cardiologists. Briefly, I believe ABIMs actions are completely motivated financially and carry no value. If I am required by them to maintain certification by paying a fee and participate in MOC yearly, then why should I have to take a recertification exam? The answer is money. ACC needs to break away from ABIM and independently certify cardiologists. I am finishing my training (fellowship) later this year. Last month, I got an from ABIM to enroll in MOC or I will be listed as Not Certified in Cardiology. Keep this in mind that I passed my Cardiology Board a few months ago after paying around $2300. What a bunch of bull shit! It is clear to me that ABIM is forking money from us to spend on their executives. They are no better than any common thief! I believe ABIM is totally out of control. They were OK administering the initial certifying exam, but continuing education should be under the control of the College. Just as we must complete so many CME's to maintain a state license, the College can require so many College approved CME's (MOC's if you will) to maintain that certification. I certainly have a lot more respect for the smart men and women running our College than I do for the ABIM. Plus this would definitely add value to our membership dues! MOC is another headache to the already hectic life of medicine. Going to medical school and all the steps thru it has been challenging, and is time consuming enough. ACC should advocate for "no need for MOC". MOC requirements as currently stated are too complex to be practical. Any requirements should be readily affordable, easily understandable and accessible Retired physician Q. And lastly, please provide any final comments that you would like ACC leadership to know concerning the 2015 ABIM revised requirements concerning Maintenance of Certification.

21 From the Mouths of Members …
"the previous system was better and working well prior to re taking the test every 10 years go back to the old system one secure test and 50 CME hours mandatory every 2 years“ What about hefty fees already paid by many of us? What is good for the "grandparents" is also good for the younger practitioners. We have been re certifying and completing modules since Whatever new rules Completely agree with getting rid of the shelf exam....should be for all. And for those many cardiologists who let their IM go, this should be re-instated!!!! Q. And lastly, please provide any final comments that you would like ACC leadership to know concerning the 2015 ABIM revised requirements concerning Maintenance of Certification.

22 Appendix

23 Awareness of 2015 MOC Requirements
Q. Are you aware of the changes that American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) made to its Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program as of 2015?

24 2015 MOC Familiarity 2014 Total 2015 Total 2014 WV 2015 WV
Very Familiar % % % % Not Familiar % % % % Q. How familiar are you with all of the recent changes that the ABIM has made to its certification / recertification process?

25 2015 MOC Favorability 2014 Total 2015 Total 2014 WV 2015 WV
Total Favor % % % % Total Oppose % % % % Q. Do you favor or oppose the new ABIM MOC requirements?

26 MOC Effect on Future Plans
2014 Total 2015 Total WV WV Total Yes % 32% % % Total No % 41% % % Q. Have these recent MOC requirements affected your planning for the future, specifically thoughts of retirement, part-time practice or transitioning out of the practice of cardiovascular medicine?

27 Recommended MOC Process Revisions
Q. If you were tasked with revising the MOC process for cardiologists, which of the following would you recommend? Please select all that apply.

28 Recommended ACC Support
Q. Recognizing that the ABIM is a completely separate and independent entity from the ACC, how could the ACC best serve its members regarding the MOC requirement changes from ABIM? Please select all that apply.

29 Questions: Chapter Executive Gwen Goldfarb (wvchapteracc@gmail
Questions: Chapter Executive Gwen Goldfarb Amy Dearborn Kyoko Miki

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