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If you are not eating, you must read something of your choice.

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Presentation on theme: "If you are not eating, you must read something of your choice."— Presentation transcript:

1 If you are not eating, you must read something of your choice.
Upcoming, Important Dates: 03/30/ Add these dates to your agenda, as they apply to you: THIS WEEK: Fri. (03/30) – 3rd Quarter Honor Roll - End-of-Novel Projects are due NEXT WEEK: Spring Break! NEAR FUTURE: Tues.-Fri (04/10-04/13) – Georgia Milestones Wed. (04/11) – Tri-fold boards must be brought to school by this date. Mon. (04/16) – End-of-Novel Test - Study guides are due If you are not eating, you must read something of your choice. HOMEROOM = SILENCE

2 Language Arts – Warm Up 03/30/18
Due Dates/Deadlines Write the following deadlines/due dates in your agenda on those dates: End-of-Novel Final Projects – due TODAY End-of-Novel Presentations – 04/10-11 GA Milestones Packet – due 04/09 Tri-fold boards for research project must be brought by 04/11. End of Novel Test – 04/16

3 Language Arts – Warm Up 03/30/18
Block Party Choices If you bought a ticket, decide which two of the following choices you want to go to and be prepared to tell me when I call your name: Arts/Crafts Face Painting/Netflix Movies Gaming Gaming/Karaoke

4 Language Arts – Work Session 03/30/18
Essential Questions: How do internal and external forces help people grow? Standard: ELASE6RL1 – Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. Learning Targets: Identify claims. Elect your position on these claims. Support your claim with logical reasoning and relevant evidence.

5 Language Arts – Work Session 03/30/18
End-of-Novel Projects Continue to work on your end-of-novel project. It is due TODAY! Options: Board game Essay (2 pages) Mobile summary (at least 10 parts) Synthesis poster Book trailer (summary or advertisement) Tri-fold board with summary & pictures Graphic novel/comic book/pop up (20 pages, front & back) Diorama/3D model Recorded play Kahoot game with at least 25 questions and answers Jeopardy game

6 Language Arts – Closing Session 03/30/18
Homework/Upcoming Deadlines: End-of-Novel Final Projects – due 03/30 End-of-Novel Presentations – 04/10-11 GA Milestones Packet – due 04/09 Tri-fold boards for research project must be brought by 04/11. End of Novel Test – 04/16 Next Biblionasium – Postponed

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