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Evaluations Evaluations are regulated and required by KDE (KAR’s and KRS’s) All Certified staff are held accountable to job specific domains and standards.

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluations Evaluations are regulated and required by KDE (KAR’s and KRS’s) All Certified staff are held accountable to job specific domains and standards."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluations Evaluations are regulated and required by KDE (KAR’s and KRS’s) All Certified staff are held accountable to job specific domains and standards. The Process Starts with the PGP. The most important part of the evaluation plan- often overlooked

2 Six (6) Classifications for Certified Evaluations
Evaluation Systems Six (6) Classifications for Certified Evaluations

3 DPGES (District Professional Growth & Effectiveness System)
Seven (7) Standards 1. Standard 1 (Strategic Leadership) 2. Standard 2 (Instructional Leadership) 3. Standard 3 (Cultural Leadership) 4. Standard 4 (Human Resource Leadership) 5. Standard 5 (Managerial Leadership) 6. Standard 6 (Collaborative Leadership) 7. Standard 7 (Influential Leadership)

4 Self-Reflection Sheet
An employee under the DPGES system will use The Self-Reflection Sheet to highlight the standards and components that will be used in the evaluation in collaboration with the superintendent. *The self-reflection sheet has a place for both parties to sign, it can be found on our PGES page under DPGES Information.

5 Professional Practice
Overall Rating Professional Practice Exemplary Accomplished Developing Ineffective *The DPGES Rubric Can be found on our PGES webpage under “DPGES Information”

6 Site Visits There will be a minimum of two (2) site visits by the superintendent or designee The evaluator will collect data/evidence throughout the year that aligns with the appropriate standard. *The site visit form can be accessed from the PGES page under “DPGES Information.”

7 Sources of Evidence for “Professional Practice”
Other sources of evidence may include (not a comprehensive list): Board of education agenda and minutes Professional learning agenda Committee meeting agendas Comprehensive District Improvement Plan Department Agendas and Minutes PLC Agendas and Minutes Leadership Team Agendas and Minutes Instructional Round/Walk-through documentation Budgets EILA/Professional Learning experience documentation Surveys Professional Organization memberships Parent/Community engagement surveys Parent/Community engagement events documentation Assessment and accountability data Grant opportunities Curriculum documents Products of practice Evidences of facilitating professional learning opportunities Monitoring documentation Program implementation guides Schedule Any other evidence that is related to the evaluative standards


9 Table of Contents of CEP


11 I hope this is a great resource for you
I hope this is a great resource for you . We tried to make it a one stop shop!

12 POLICIES and APPEALS You can access the Certified Evaluation Plan (CEP) on the district website under PGES. You can access the policies and appeals process on the district website under the “about us” drop down.

13 If you need any clarification concerning the evaluation system please ask your supervisor. If they do not know the answer you can contact

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