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Weak Links In You. Weak Links In You “Men do whatever it takes.” Principle 5 “Men do whatever it takes.”

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2 Weak Links In You

3 “Men do whatever it takes.”
Principle 5 “Men do whatever it takes.”

4 Commitment to Decide Armor buys you time or slows you down. Chainmail protects you or makes you vulnerable. A strong tomorrow demands the right choices today.

5 Past negative memories that are left unresolved turn into false beliefs that result in weak links in our chain mail. We then become dependent on thicker armor to handle these inadequacies. As a result, symptoms of unmanly defensiveness and action exist in the following areas:

6 5 (You have high levels of this trait)
Please self-evaluate what are defined as your “learned traits” and rate each one from: 0 (You have none) to 5 (You have high levels of this trait) Remember, honest self-evaluation demands knightly courage.

7 0 (You have none) to 5 (You have high levels of this trait)
Distant from others Hyper-vigilant and thus, relaxing is difficult Need to do everything myself Avoid certain important issues in life Lack confidence in making decisions about the future

8 “A wise person decides slowly but abides by these decisions.”
Arthur Ashe

9 0 (You have none) to 5 (You have high levels of this trait)
Demonstrate significant anxiety or fear Am easily angered Obsess on or “over think” issues Avoid emotional expression

10 0 (You have none) to 5 (You have high levels of this trait)
10. Compulsive behaviors (e.g., sexual fantasy, alcohol, drugs, food, work) Feel stressed or express numerous physical complaints

11 “If I were in charge here, I would get rid of Abimelech.”
Judges 9:29

12 0 (You have none) to 5 (You have high levels of this trait)
Difficulty focusing or thinking in a scattered fashion Ongoing sense of personal inadequacy Religious addiction, exchanging a vital faith for superstitious formulas, in an attempt to control God and others

13 0 (You have none) to 5 (You have high levels of this trait)
Rigid hyper control of self and others Pervasive sadness Negative thought processes or pessimism Lack the ability to experience pleasure, even in some of the most simplistic ways

14 0 (You have none) to 5 (You have high levels of this trait)
Choose friends that are not supportive and have a negative influence on me Continue to repeat the same type of negative experience which often leads to failure and rejection Unable to communicate important aspects of my life

15 0 (You have none) to 5 (You have high levels of this trait)
22. Insensitivity to other individual’s emotional world 23. Attempt to lie, to manipulate, and control others 24. Difficulty setting goals, developing an action plan, and evaluating my progress

16 0 (You have none) to 5 (You have high levels of this trait)
Unwilling to take a chance or a reasonable risk on a new opportunity.

17 0 (You have none) to 5 (You have high levels of this trait)
Judgmental a attitude toward those who are different Self-centered expectation that others act in ways that I think they should

18 0 (You have none) to 5 (You have high levels of this trait)
Lack of physical self care and hygiene Skeptical attitude, which focuses on what one doesn’t believe, rather than on what one does believe Desire to remain a constant follower by denying my personal influence on others

19 Total Score ___ Minimum score possible: 0 Maximum score possible: 150

20 Your score reflects the negative experiential filters you presently carry, which will impact your future. Your score reflects the various ways that a man will move away from his calling.

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