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Graphing Rules.

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Presentation on theme: "Graphing Rules."— Presentation transcript:

1 Graphing Rules

2 #1: Always draw a line graph!
Bar graphs are useful for comparing a number of unrelated things Pie charts are good for showing proportions Line graphs are the most appropriate for showing the relationship between two variables

3 #2: The x-axis of the graph is the independent variable and the y-axis is the dependent variable.
Y changes when x changes, not the other way around.

4 #3: Abrupt changes in a graph tell you that something significant has happened.

5 #4: The title of a graph should always be “The dependence of [dependent variable] on [independent variable].” Or “The effect of …”

6 #5: Units should always be drawn on both axes of the graph
If you don’t know what units are being used, the graph isn’t very helpful!

7 #6: The data in the graph should fill the page/space.
Scale the axes to cover a larger area and make your graph a better predictive tool.

8 #7: USE A RULER! Hand-drawn axes look sloppy
Lines should be neat to make the most accurate predictions

9 So… 1. Finish graph and turn in.
2. Finish observations and calculate speeds. Keep this sheet. 3. Write lab conclusion turn in today.

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