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Agenda Warm Up: Quick Candy Review Discussion: Cold War Happenings

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1 Agenda Warm Up: Quick Candy Review Discussion: Cold War Happenings
3. Vietnam Videos 4. SOL Review HW: Finish SOL Reviews

2 SOL Quick Review 1. I believe in indulgences. 2. We were the Gunpowder empires (3). 3. I posted the 95 Theses in an effort to protest injustices. 4. I created the printing press. 5. I was the major land based trade route from China to Europe. 6. One of my major beliefs involves Predestination. 7. This is what happened to the indigenous peoples of the Americas when European explorers showed up. 8. This was the most traded item coming out of Africa during the s. 9. We are the reasons European explorers travelled to the new world. (3) 10. I left the Church to gain an annulment, and control religion in England.

3 Cold War China, Vietnam and New Policies

4 China goes Communist 1949 China torn between communism and capitalism
Chiang Kai-shek: Capitalist/democracy Mao Zedong: Communist Civil War and communists win Soviet Union supports Mao Mao Zedong fights US in Korean War

5 Cold War Changes 1953: Stalin dies, Nikita Khrushchev new Soviet leader 1953: Eisenhower elected President in US Khrushchev: “History is on our side, we will bury you.” Eisenhower: “New look for containment” Massive Retaliation


7 Vietnam War 1955-1975 French Imperial colony
Rats French Imperial colony Divides into North and South North: Communist South: Capitalist/democracy Viet Cong: Communist Guerilla army living in south Ho Chi Minh: Leader of North Vietnam Led revolution against French (1950) Inspired decolonization around world

8 Vietnam War 1965 US puts troops into Vietnam Soviets never enter war
1968: Tet Offensive-Turning point in favor of communist N. Vietnam US leaves in 1973 Fall of Saigon- North Wins

9 Effects of Vietnam Vietnam unified under communism
US loses first major fight for containment Western world loses WWII fighting spirit Era of détente begins. Less aggression felt across the world towards the United States.

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