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Essay How To: Intro Hook

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Presentation on theme: "Essay How To: Intro Hook"— Presentation transcript:

1 Essay How To: Intro Hook Is it okay for a boy to cook? Is it okay for a girl to fight? Different societies have different guidelines about proper behavior for each gender. America is no exception, and Harper Lee captures this in her novel To Kill a Mockingbird. This novel is set in Alabama in the 1930s and the gender stereotypes of that time period were rather rigid. Lee uses the protagonist Scout and other minor characters to show that gender stereotypes are restricting and irritating. Orient Thesis

2 Essay How To: Body Topic Sentence Evidence Scout is an excellent example of the way gender stereotypes are irritating and restrictive. Scout is very much a tomboy and does not like to wear dresses. In fact, she refers to a dress as “a pink cotton penitentiary” (138). A penitentiary is a prison where people are locked up and denied their freedom. This shows that Scout sees dresses things that confine her and deny her freedom. Another example is when.. Commentary Evidence 2

3 Essay How To: Conclusion
Reworded Thesis Reference to article Lee uses Scout, Calpurnia, and Aunt Alexandra to demonstrate how suffocating and irritating gender stereotypes can be. This problem is not confined to the 1930s. It is still a problem today. For example, _________. Gender stereotypes are unjust and should be defied. People should be free to express themselves as they see fit and not feel confined by societal norms. Final thought

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