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S T A R E Identify words that you associate with being British from the image below. Is there any you would add to the image? 5mins.

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Presentation on theme: "S T A R E Identify words that you associate with being British from the image below. Is there any you would add to the image? 5mins."— Presentation transcript:

1 S T A R E Identify words that you associate with being British from the image below. Is there any you would add to the image? 5mins

2 What are British Values?
L.O. To understand what is meant by the term ‘British Values’ and what it means to be British. Success Criteria: Recognise your own personal values. Explore the idea of British Values. Analyse what is meant by British Values and how this can be applied in your personal life.

3 Task - Use your blank flag to write about your own personal values.
5 Task - Use your blank flag to write about your own personal values.

4 Christian/ Muslim/ Sikh/Hindu/ Buddhist
Personality: Caring Fun Hobbies: Dance Reading Beliefs: Christian/ Muslim/ Sikh/Hindu/ Buddhist Everything Happens for a reason Important to me: Help others Happiness Values: Love Honesty LA

5 What you value, also makes up part of who you are.
Pick the 3 statements that mean the most to you – write a twitter bio about why you value these things. You must write at least a paragraph.

6 What you value, also makes up part of who you are.
Pick the 3 that mean the most to you – write a twitter bio about why you value these things. 7 Connectives: and, also, besides, further, furthermore, too, moreover, in addition, then, another, next, finally, later, last, lastly, then, when, soon, first, second, finally, hence, next, then, to begin with, after, before, as soon as, in the end, gradually, similarly, on the other hand.

7 We all live in Britain, what do you think British values are?
We have talked about personal values, but can a country have values? We all live in Britain, what do you think British values are?

8 3

9 These are the main ideas behind British Values:
Democracy The rule of law Individual liberty Mutual respect Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

10 Group work Around the room are 5 posters about the core British values. In your teams you need to draw around a body on the paper provided. Illustrate it with what the core British values mean and how you have displayed these throughout your life.

11 Now using the knowledge you have gathered during your group task fill in the grid about British Values Value Define it Use it in a sentence

12 Competition time What's the prize? What do you need to do to win?
Each form class must create a piece of work to display the meaning of British values here At Holy Family. You must include a written statement to explain your piece of work. You must show evidence that all members of the form have contributed Think about how we display these throughout our school community Form Captain elections Head boy and Head girl Student ambassadors 5 What's the prize? The Winning form class from each year group will win a reward ( high tea)during the last week of term This will be a typical British afternoon tea party.

13 You will each need a piece of white card.
Draw around your hand and cut out the template. Decorate your card hand with a design that represents British Values. White card colouring pens GlueGive each child a piece of white card and have them draw and cut out their hand.

14 How about creating some class bunting

15 Magna Carta The Magna Carta is one of the most important documents in history. It guaranteed the people certain rights, and bound the king to certain laws. (1215) It is the 800th anniversary for the Magna Carta this year. Your task is to create your own Magna Carta for Britain Today. Include the 5 key British Values: Democracy The rule of law Individual liberty Mutual respect Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs Example = 1. No one shall be judged based on appearance, beliefs or religion.

16 Or any other ideas

17 P L E N A R Y 1 thing I still want to ask/know is..
2 things I’ve understood from today’s lesson are.. 3 new words I have learned are..

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