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Example Exam Essay Choose the opening or closing scene or sequence from a film or television drama. By referring to appropriate techniques, explain why.

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Presentation on theme: "Example Exam Essay Choose the opening or closing scene or sequence from a film or television drama. By referring to appropriate techniques, explain why."— Presentation transcript:

1 Example Exam Essay Choose the opening or closing scene or sequence from a film or television drama. By referring to appropriate techniques, explain why you find it an effective opening or closing scene or sequence.

2 Example 1 In the film “Jurassic World” directed by Colin Trevorrow the power and strength of the dinosaurs is clearly emphasised throughout the final scene. The film is about a luxury resort that provides a habitat for a number of genetically engineered dinosaurs, including the Indominus rex. This dinosaur escapes causing a chain reaction of disaster as the characters race to save the day. The camera work, mise-en-scene and sound of the final scene will be carefully analysed in order to illustrate how this sense of power builds up to make the ending effective.

3 Introduction Title Director Summary of the film Link to the task

4 Write your own introduction
In the film “………………………..” directed by ………… …………………………….. the ………………………………….. The film is about ……………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. The camera work, ………………………………. and ……………………………………………will be analysed in order to ………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………..

5 Main discussion Point – Use one sentence to make it clear what this paragraph will be talking about. Evidence – Explain what media techniques are used to back up your point Explanation – Explain in detail what your techniques show the audience, analyse their purpose Reference to the task – Explain how your evidence answers the question and shows the opening scene is effective

6 Example point One way the power and strength of dinosaurs is emphasised is when the I-Rex attacks Owen and the boys in the hut.

7 Example Evidence During this scene the director uses close ups of the dinosaur and an appropriate score to set the scene.

8 Example Explanation The soundtrack emphasises the characters’ feelings through the loud volume and fast pace and causes shock and surprise as the dinosaur attempts to problem solve this situation and ensure that it is able to successfully attack Owen and the boys. Also, the use of close ups of the I-Rex illustrates the power and strength of this dinosaur as it emphasises the enormous size of the dinosaur in comparison to the characters.

9 Example Link to Question
Therefore, this illustrates that the ending is effective because it is dramatic.

10 Another way the ending scene is effective is when………………………………………………………………. During this scene the techniques of …………………. ……………………………………………………. are used. The technique of ………………………………….. shows the audience …………………………………….. This is effective because ……………………………………………. The technique of ……………………………… shows the audience……………………………………………… This is effective because ……………………………………. Therefore the final scene is effective because ……. ……………………………………………………………….

11 Paragraph 3 The final scene is also effective when …………….
Name the techniques used at this point Explain in detail what each technique shows us and the effect it had on the audience Make sure you have discussed at least 2 techniques Add a sentence to say overall why this makes the end of the film effective

12 Paragraph 4 The final scene is also effective when …………….
Name the techniques used at this point Explain in detail what each technique shows us and the effect it had on the audience Make sure you have discussed at least 2 techniques Add a sentence to say overall why this makes the end of the film effective

13 Conclusion Title Director Summary of the points you made
Link to the task

14 Example Conclusion In conclusion in the film “Jurassic World” directed by Colin Trevorrow the final scene is very effective. This is clear when …………………., ……………………………, …………………………, ………………………, ……………………… and …………………………………………………………. This is particularly effective for the audience because …………………………………………………..…….. Therefore it makes the audience feel ……………………… about the film because …………………………………………………………………………….

15 Write your own paragraph
Point – Use one sentence to make it clear what this paragraph will be talking about. Evidence – Explain what techniques are used to back up your point. Explanation – Explain in detail what your techniques show the audience, their purpose and how this is relevant to the question

16 Example One way the opening scene is effective is through the use of soundtrack. This is shown through the use of the song “I’m your weatherman” as Phil, Rita and Larry travel. This song creates a …………………sound which makes the audience think ………………………….. The song also describes ……………………………… which links to the film because…………………….. This contrasts with the initial presentation of Phil because he seems ……………………………….. This helps to make the opening scene effective because………………………

17 Example 2 Another way the opening scene is effective is when it starts by showing clouds. This is shown through the use of a close up of a sky scene with an interesting score playing in the background. The close up of the clouds makes the audience think of ……………………………………… It also suggests the connotations of ………………………………………….……………….…… ……………………………… This is effective and links to the film because ………………………………….. The score also is effective because it creates a ……………………………… which links to the film because…………………………. This helps to make the opening scene effective because……………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………..

18 Paragraph 3 The opening scene is also effective when ……….
Name the techniques used at this point Explain in detail what each technique shows us and the effect it had on the audience Make sure you have discussed at least 2 techniques Add a sentence to say overall why this makes the start of the film effective

19 Paragraph 4 Finally the first scene is effective when ………….
Name the techniques used at this point Explain in detail what each technique shows us and the effect it had on the audience Make sure you have discussed at least 2 techniques Add a sentence to say overall why this makes the beginning of the film effective

20 Conclusion Title Director Summary of the points you made
Link to the task

21 Example Conclusion In conclusion in the film “Groundhog Day” directed by Harold Ramis the opening scene is very effective. This is clear when …………………., ……………………………, …………………………, ………………………, ……………………… and …………………………………………………………. This is particularly effective for the audience because …………………………………………………..…….. Therefore it makes the audience feel ……………………… about the film because …………………………………………………………………………….

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