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MLA is your friend! In text citation and the works cited

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1 MLA is your friend! In text citation and the works cited
MLA (and APA?) MLA is your friend! In text citation and the works cited

2 In-Text Citations You have a few options
1. Last name and page number in parentheses – (Evans 109) 2. Name in sentence, page number is parentheses – As Evans states, “fair use in youtube content does not protect creators from lawsuits” (109).

3 Punctuation Parenthetical reference always comes after the source
In parentheses, give the authors last name only No commas or other punctuation in parentheses unless a part of the author's name Never use p, pg., or page All sentence punctuation goes after the closed parenthesis

4 The Works Cited Book: author's last name, first name. Title. City: publisher, year of of publication, Medium. Other details as needed. Continue with period and normal type use. The second line and all lines after are always indented once. For example: Evans, Matthew. Rhetoric. Sarasota: Manatee School for the arts, 2019, Web. Pages

5 Article Slightly different! Remember, smaller publications receive the “” instead of the italics Last name, First. “Title.” Journal title volume, issue, date details: page numbers. Title of Database. Medium. Date of access. Evans, Matthew. “Anxiety is my life.” Don't Freak Out 9, 24, 2019: Database of unforgiving emotions. Print. 1/19/2019.

6 Web Page Author's last name, first. “Title of page, post, or document.” Title of website. Version or edition. Publisher (if not known use N.p.), date of publication, last update, or posting (if not known use N.d.). Medium. Date of access. Evans, Matthew. “Faculty page.” 1. N.p., 2019, 1/1/2019. Website. 1/12/2019.

7 MLA is all about putting in as many details of you know
If you don't know a lot of details, that's fine! Just put in what you do know! Don't waste too much time trying to find silly numbers. Get what you can and move on! MLA is always 1 inch margins, double spaced, and contains a title and page number on each page (Evans 1)

8 In-Text Citations cont.
All cited works in your essay/work must be in the W.C. Citations should be brief and not overcome your discussion Smoothly integrate them in your writing When paraphrasing or borrowing, make it clear where your writing ends Parentheses ALWAYS goes before the punctuation

9 In-Text Citations cont.
Try to keep it less than 3 lines of quoted/paraphrased text If more, use block quotes Poetic lines must be separated by a space / space

10 A bit of APA Similar and sometimes easier!
In his text on anxiety, describes wanting to “run around like a chicken” (Evans, 2019). In his text on anxiety, Evans (2019) describes wanting to “run around like a chicken”. Authors and publication dates should be as close as possible!

11 Cont. If you are citing part of a work (not the whole thing):
(Evans, 2019, p. 251) Ask your social studies teachers (they may have better ideas) Better yet, head over to

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