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Marine Research Infrastructures in Västra Götaland

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Presentation on theme: "Marine Research Infrastructures in Västra Götaland"— Presentation transcript:

1 Marine Research Infrastructures in Västra Götaland
Anders Carlberg, Maritime expert Region Västra Götaland

2 Major marine research infrastructures in West Sweden: The Sven Loven Centre for Marine Sciences*
* Assemble

3 Additional marine research infrastructures
Lighthouse – Centre for Shipping and Marine Technology, Gothenburg Institute for marine Research, Lysekil

4 The context of the MRI: A wide range of traditional and emerging industries looking for new applications New applications in traditional industries: The marimitime technology sector The fisheries sector and food industry Management of the marine environment Emerging applications: The energy sector Managing climate change The life science sector Marine Spatial Planning

5 Marine research infrastructures in the innovation process
Criteria: Generally, regional development funding is directed towards MRI when research is conducted with the purpose of innovation. Some possibilities for this in the ERDF and Interreg. Best practise from current programs: Power Cluster, Nord-Ostron, Emsac, MARKIS, Blue Biotechnology for sustainable innovation (integrating marine biology with life-science), Mare Novum

6 How to move forward Co-operation between academia and cluster organisations - for example Lighthouse and Swedish Marine Technology Forum Support for co-operation between MRI and local and regional business promotion Improved availability of data and results for end-users, e.g. Elixir Specific priority for MRI’s involvment in innovation processes in regional programming like ERDF and Interreg

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