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Mrs. Hunt-Barron Berea Middle School ELA

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1 Mrs. Hunt-Barron Berea Middle School ELA
Evaluating Websites Mrs. Hunt-Barron Berea Middle School ELA

2 Review How do you evaluate search results for usefulness?
What is the official name of a web address? What should you look for in the URL? Which URL endings are usually most reliable?

3 Why is it important to evaluate?
Learning critical reading and thinking skills is important in all areas of life? Think, pair, share Why is critical reading and thinking even more important when it comes to the internet?

4 Why is it important to evaluate websites?
Books, magazines, & newspaper articles Proofread by editors Meets standards of publishers TV meet standards of networks and FCC TV, movies & video games All receive ratings Internet = no checks and balances You are linked directly to the author/creator of the website

5 Evaluate Websites 1. Usefulness 2. Truthfulness
Does this site help to answer my research questions? Is it user friendly? 2. Truthfulness Constantly ask yourself, is this information true?

6 User Friendly Websites
Easy access to information (electronic table of contents) Multimedia related to content Hyperlinks work Has an internal search engine Has an introductory or welcoming message that: States the purpose of the site States the sponsor’s name or logo

7 After choosing website w/many positive characteristics
Skim the page to get the overall type of information If information is useful, take a closer look Scan facts, dates, statistics, people or topics If appropriate, read more carefully. Take notes (paraphrasing ideas)

8 Evaluating Truthfulness
You are now web detectives Look for clues Authority Purpose Objectivity Timeliness

9 Authority Who wrote the info (most important factor)
Are they a credible source? Educational background or experience Expert on the topic Qualifications address Should be identified: on the home page in a welcoming statement under another tab in the table of contents (ie. About Us or Contact Us)

10 Purpose Quality website
States the purpose in the opening paragraph or welcoming statement Purposes: Inform Persuade reader to believe or do something Entertain

11 Timeliness Major advantage over printed text Up-to-date info
Most important w/info that changes quickly Weather, current events, stock quotes Credible websites have a footer Shows the date when created OR Shows the date when last updated If you can’t find a date, the info may not be timely

12 Further Determining Reliability
Be suspicious Question whether the info is accurate or not When facts can be found in more than one location, the reliability increases Look at other websites related to topic and compare facts

13 Activity Use the previous activity
Locate and open the website you ranked as #1 based on your search results evaluation Now evaluate the website using the worksheet (E-7)

14 Things To Look Out For Propaganda

15 Glittering Generalities

16 Name Calling My opponent is a flip-flop man who cannot make up his mind. He changes mind with the breeze! How could anyone follow such a weak-willed flip-flopper?

17 Looking at Website Truthfulness
Does it look real? Does the information make sense? Can you confirm the information? Who created the website? Can you contact the author?

18 Reading Web pages Most web pages include: Headings Subheadings
Bold or italicized words Graphics (pictures, icons, charts, maps, etc) Multimedia (audio, video, etc)


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