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JEOPARDY Foreign Policy WWII People

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Presentation on theme: "JEOPARDY Foreign Policy WWII People"— Presentation transcript:

1 JEOPARDY Foreign Policy WWII People 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200
GAME RULES FINAL ROUND Foreign Policy WWII People Changing Borders Day Five Review 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 Category A 100 This act of Congress allowed the U.S. to provide aid to the Allies prior to entering WWII.

3 What is the Lend-Lease Act?
Category A 100 What is the Lend-Lease Act?

4 Category A 200 This system mandated that Americans conserve food and fuel for the war effort.

5 What the ration system or rationing?
Category A 200 What the ration system or rationing?

6 Category A 300 Many members of this group of Americans were sent to rural prison or internment camps during WWII.

7 Who are Japanese Americans?
Category A 300 Who are Japanese Americans?

8 This is the name for the Allied invasion of France during WWII.
Category A 400 This is the name for the Allied invasion of France during WWII.

9 Category A 400 What is D-Day?

10 Category A 500 This is the name of the secret program devoted to the development of the atomic bomb during WWII.

11 What is Manhattan Project?
Category A 500 What is Manhattan Project?

12 Category B 100 This leader lead Great Britain and thought he had gotten Adolf Hitler to promise not to invade Poland. He believed in appeasement.

13 Who is Neville Chamberlain?
Category B 100 Who is Neville Chamberlain?

14 This U.S. President became president when President Roosevelt died.
Category B 200 This U.S. President became president when President Roosevelt died.

15 Category B 200 Who Harry Truman?

16 Category B 300 This soldier used his native language as a secret code against the axis powers.

17 Category B 300 Who is a code talker?

18 Category B 400 This was the British Prime Minister who reminded the British people to fight and hold on when Hitler was bombing their cities. .

19 Who is Winston Churchill?
Category B 400 Who is Winston Churchill?

20 How much would you like to bet?
DAILY DOUBLE How much would you like to bet?

21 This man was the leader of fascist Italy.
Category B 500 This man was the leader of fascist Italy.

22 Who is Benito Mussolini?
Category B 500 Who is Benito Mussolini?

23 This term describes the idea that countries build up their military.
Category C 100 This term describes the idea that countries build up their military.

24 Category C 100 What is militarism?

25 An intense pride in one’s country.
Category C 200 An intense pride in one’s country.

26 What is the Nationalism?
Category C 200 What is the Nationalism?

27 How much would you like to bet?
DAILY DOUBLE How much would you like to bet?

28 Category C 300 When a country took over smaller countries or colonies for natural resources it is called?.

29 Category C 300 What is imperialism?

30 Category C 400 This term describes type of battle technique the Germans used when they fought in Europe.

31 Category C 400 What is the Blitzkrieg?

32 Category C 500 The development of this weapon by the U.S. led to a faster end to the war.

33 Category C 500 What is the Atom Bomb?

34 Category D 100 This leader wrote a book called “Mein Kamf” He is responsible for the Holocaust and for starting World War II.

35 Category D 100 Who is Adolf Hitler?

36 Category D 200 This country was established in a former British mandate in the Middle East following WWII It became the homeland of the Jews.

37 Category D 200 What is Israel?

38 As a result of this invasion, France was liberated.
Category D 300 As a result of this invasion, France was liberated.

39 Category D 300 What is D-Day?

40 Category D 400 In Asia this country was attacked by Japan to gain control of its oil and other natural resources.

41 What is China or Manchuria?
Category D 400 What is China or Manchuria?

42 Category D 500 After WWII, German was divided into four areas. These areas were controlled by...

43 Category D 500 What is the United States, France, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union?

44 This weapon was used against Japan .
Category E 100 This weapon was used against Japan .

45 Category E 100 What is an atom bomb?

46 Category E 200 This battle was important because it gave the United States and allies a base close to Japan. As a result, planes could attack the mainland of Japan because they were closer.

47 Category E 200 What was Iwo Jima?

48 Category E 300 This battle technique lead to American forces jumping from small islands to small islands fighting the Japanese to get coser and closer to mainland Japan.

49 What is “Island Hopping?”
Category E 300 What is “Island Hopping?”

50 DAILY DOUBLE Place your bets!

51 DAILY DOUBLE This event lead to the United States involvement in World War II. It caused the United States to declare war.

52 What is the attack at Pearl Harbor?
Category E 400 What is the attack at Pearl Harbor?

53 Category E 500 A type of government and philosophy where its goal is to form a society where everything is shared equally. This government owns and controls most everything including property, means of production, education, transportation, and agriculture..

54 Category E 500 What is the Communism?

55 Welcome to Jeopardy! The fun and sneaky way to review material for the upcoming test!

56 And now… a brief introduction to the RULES of the GAME…

57 Each group must: a) SIT TOGETHER, and b) Designate a SPEAKER who will respond to the prompts (You must change speakers).

58 The game consists of FIVE categories, each containing FIVE questions

59 Questions are randomly arranged, NOT by degree of difficulty

60 Each speaker may select only ONE question per round

61 Once the selected question is posted on the screen, the SPEAKER of the team has responds but only after “conference has been called.

62 The speaker must consult with teammates before responding

63 During the game, whispering is OK when conference has been called, but LOUD talking and/or disruptions DURING THE GAME may result in point loss for the entire team.

64 The response should be phrased in the FORM OF A QUESTION
The response should be phrased in the FORM OF A QUESTION. (Words, phrases, and statements – even if correct – may be disqualified)

65 A CORRECT ANSWER earns the team the amount of points indicated on the jeopardy board.

66 If the speaker does not respond correctly, the question passes on to the next team whose speaker, who has to respond.

67 The number of points for the correct answer at this stage are the same as for the previous team.

68 Questions that are not answered correctly by the selecting team are offered to the other teams in turn until a correct answer is given or all teams have guessed incorrectly.

69 For the Daily Double, the speaker designates the number of points – up to the max. points earned by the team. If correct, the team earns the designated points; if incorrect, they lose the designated points.

70 Again, whispering is OK when conferencing has been called, but remember, not between that. DISRUPTIONS DURING THE GAME may result in point loss for the entire team.

71 The judge’s decisions are FINAL and whining, pouting, and/or complaints will NOT BE ENTERTAINED…

72 Ready to play?

73 Final Jeopardy Topic: Home Front You may wager up to the amount of points your team has earned. Write your wager on a piece of paper and submit it.

74 Final Jeopardy Question
This was the name of the symbol who encouraged women to go out and get jobs in factories and other male dominated jobs during the war because there was a shortage of laborers.

75 Who is Rosie the Riveter?
The Cold War Who is Rosie the Riveter?

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