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Developing a Web Site.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing a Web Site."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing a Web Site

2 Two Components of Web Site Development
Systematic Planning Design and Development

3 Four Elements of Systematic Planning
The Web audience Goals and objectives for the Web site Sketch out the Web site Select a Web authoring tool

4 Systematic Planning – Web Audience
Ask yourself the following questions about your audience. Who am I developing the web site for. Do any of the following affect my audience; Age Gender Financial Status Education The audience guides every aspect of your Web design.

5 Systematic Planning – Goals and Objectives
Provide the general framework of your Web site . Are broad statements that indicate the purpose of the site Objectives Precise statements about specific Web site content. Organize site content information and depth and breadth of site information

6 Systematic Planning – Sketch out the Web Site
Using the Objectives for the site create an outline of how the site should be organized.

7 Systematic Planning – Select a Web Authoring Tool
There are three main types of tools; Tools that do most of the web page and site design work for you usually free. Free tools that allow you to create your own Web pages and Sites Advanced Web page and site design tools that you purchase.

8 Design and Development
Involves the following elements; Navigation structures Design principles Homepage and page construction Graphics

9 Design and Development - Navigation Structures
Sequential structure organizes information sequentially in alphabetical order, chronological order, or in order from general to specific information Grid structure organizes information in no particular order of importance A hierarchical structure is the most common way to organize complex navigational schemes. A Web structure is a free-flowing, non-structured navigation.

10 Design and Development - Design Principles
The simplicity principle states that in order to communicate effectively, visuals should convey one basic idea. Emphasis provides a means by which attention can be drawn to the important elements of a web page or visual. Balance is a form of equilibrium within a Web page or visual. Unity refers to the strength of the relationship between the elements of a web page or visual.

11 Design and Development - Home Page and Web Pages
The place where people meet your web site. The top vertical four inches are the most valuable real estate in your Web site Consistency is the key to good web page design. Visual organization of titles, subtitles, navigation links, buttons, text and graphics is very important on all web pages.

12 Design and Development - Graphics
There are two types of graphics used on web pages; GIF JPEG Graphics can add visual interest to a Web page and help tie a Web site together

13 File and Folder Structure of a Web Site
A Web site is contained in a single directory (folder) on a computers hard drive. This is know as the root directory or folder All files that make up a Web site are found in the root folder.

14 File and Folder Structure of a Web Site

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