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Physical and Chemical Changes OF TOOLS IN THE KITCHEN

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1 Physical and Chemical Changes OF TOOLS IN THE KITCHEN
Aaron Atencio / Guillermo Méndez / Jorge Pérez / Luis Enrique. González Teachear: Ramón Guerra School: Academia Interamericana de Panamá Sede Cerro Viento

2 Introduction Daily we observe in our kitchens tools that have changed the original properties for the use during days and months. The following work shows the physical and chemical changes that some tools suffer in the kitchen. The chemical change produces a new substance and it is accompanied by chemical reaction. Some examples of chemical changes include combustion (burning), rusting of an iron pan, and the reaction between two substances. Physical changes are concerned with energy and states of matter. A physical change does not produce a new substance, although the starting and ending materials may look very different from each other. Changes in state or phase (melting, freezing, vaporization, condensation, sublimation) are physical changes.

3 In the image shows a flat pan in which the oxidation occurred completely due to the high levels of humidity and the use of the different chemicals with which we normally scrub our kitchen utensils. Baking pans are made up of a variety of different metals and coatings that are designed to aid in the baking of the specific baked product of your choice. While rust can potentially contain bacteria, which leads to diseases such as tetanus, a small amount of rust or discoloration in the pan may not be harmful if you scrub it and clean it well, removing most of the rust and discoloration in the inside of the pan. CHEMICAL CHANGE Resuma la investigación con entre tres y cinco puntos.

4 Recomendation To avoid that the pans suffer from the chemical process of oxidation we must make a cure the pan as soon as it is bought. Curing a pan is a really important procedure that should be done whenever you are going to use the product for the first time. The curing of a frying pan helps it to be more durable, keeps it in good condition, improves the cooking time and prevents the food from burning.

5 steps to cure a pan: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7
Carry out the process with the smoke extractor or do it in the open air, since a large amount of smoke is released. Step 2 A slow fugue, once the pan begins to heat and with the help of a piece of absorbent paper Step 3 apply a little oil on the Anti-adhesive and rub it evenly to form a small film inside the pan. Step 4 Wait a few minutes until the oil is completely consumed. Step 5 When the oil is consumed, remove it from the heat. then wash the pan with water with a sponge to remove the residues of burned oil. Step 6 Repeat the curing process another 2 or 3 times until you notice that a protective layer has been generated on the Anti-adhesive. Step 7 Remember that it is advisable to cure the pan before the first use. Step 8 When you are finished, you can use it to prepare food as usual. Lista de todos los pasos necesarios para completar el experimento. No se olvide de numerar los pasos.

6 Chemical change in burner of stove
The new stoves present the burners in good condition. Due to frequent use these deteriorate. This deterioration is due to the flame and the liquids that are present during the cooking of the food.

7 Recommendations to avoid deterioration of burners
In the figure we appreciate that the back of the burner is oxidized and that it lost part of the material that formed it. This change is called corrosion and is due to a chemical reaction (oxide and reduction). The reaction has been due to the frequent heat of the flames of the burner and the possible spills of the liquids used in the cooking of the food. This reaction causes: 1. It Change the color from black to reddish 2. The material is detached 3. The material is deformed from the circular shape it originally had The front of the burner is also affected: 1. The sheet that covered the top of the burner has been lost. 2. Sections of the burner have sunk. Recommendations to avoid deterioration of burners In case any liquid is spilled, dry the burner immediately. Apply antioxidant products to the burner. Avoid cooking with the high flame.

8 Chemical change in the oven.
The oven gets rust because of humidity coming from foods and the environment also because of the many times we do not properly clean inside with the correct substance

Get the proper time for cooking or baking foods. Clean everytime after the food has been used. Apply antioxidant products to the burner.

10 The contact of the kitchen tools with the fire receives a transformation that are called chemical reactions. The tool in the kitchen (spatulas and spoon) that have changed physical (color, shape) and chemical (burned) during use in the kitchen.

11 Recommendations These kitchen utensils have undergone a chemical and physical change. The recommendations to avoid that these utensils remain in good condition would be: Consult the indications for the use of the product. Do not expose them to a high propagation of heat. Know what utensil material is being used. Do not immerse it in the water after using it. Maintain a good cleaning.

12 Conclusion The kitchen tools are used daily, that is why they suffer changes in their properties. These changes can be physical or chemical. It is more frequent to find chemical changes, such as burning product of combustion, oxidation due to humidity and the use of inappropriate substances for cleaning. Physical changes can be product of breakage, shock, freezing or boiling. It is advisable to always read the manuals for the use of these utensils for care and maintenance.

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