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Four Types of Structures I. Perfect Competition a. large # of buyers & sellers exchange identical products. 5 conditions: 1. large # of buyers and sellers.

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Presentation on theme: "Four Types of Structures I. Perfect Competition a. large # of buyers & sellers exchange identical products. 5 conditions: 1. large # of buyers and sellers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Four Types of Structures I. Perfect Competition a. large # of buyers & sellers exchange identical products. 5 conditions: 1. large # of buyers and sellers

2 2. Identical products 3. buyers & sellers act independently 4. they are well informed 5. are free to enter, conduct or get out of business

3 b. Supply & Demand set equilibrium price. c. Each firm sets level of output to maximize its profits d. Imperfect competition= market structure that lacks one or more of the above

4 II. Monopolistic Competition a. Meets all the previous conditions EXCEPT identical products b. Uses product differentiation (real or imagined differences)

5 c. Uses non-price competition: use of advertising giveaways or promotional campaigns to differentiate products


7 d. Try to sell w/in narrow price range, but try to raise price (w/in range) to maximize profits.

8 III. Oligopoly a. very few sellers dominate market b. act interdependently by lowering & raising prices

9 c. May formally agree to set prices, called COLLUSION, (illegal in US) 1. price fixing- agree to a charge above the market price 2. dividing up market for guaranteed sales 3. agree to create shortage to raise prices

10 EX: OPEC cut production in 1970s- gas prices rose dramatically d. can engage in price wars, for short period e. final prices are likely higher than monopolistic & perfect competition

11 IV. Monopoly a. only one seller of a product b. US has few b/c: 1. capitalism discourages 2. new tech. competes w/ monopolies c. Types: 1. Natural monopoly- nature of good or service dictates EX: FPL

12 2. geographic monopoly- absence of sellers in area. ex: Podunk town has one gas station 3. Technological monopoly- based on ownership of method, process or advancement. ex: Microsoft in 1990s.

13 -Microsoft was accused of acting as a monopoly b/c it made it difficult for other software firms to put products on PCs running on Windows. why ? Violate of US Anti-Trust laws Settlement : Microsoft agreed to provide competitors w/ info that allowed them to make products work on existing Windows Systems

14 4. Government monopoly- can provide public services that private industry cannot ex: Post Office (kind of) d. Monopolies are price makers rather than price takers

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