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Branching instructions

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1 Branching instructions
ARM instruction set Data processing instructions Data transfer Block transfer Branching instructions Multiply instructions Software interrupt

2 Data Processing Instructions

3 Barrel Shifter in ARM processor is a functional unit testing that is used to perform the Shift and Rotate Operations. Barrel Shifter provides five types of Shift and Rotate operations and they are : Logical Shift Left (LSL) Logical Shift Right (LSR) Arithmetic Shift Right (ASR) Rotate Right (ROR) Rotate Right Extended (RRX)

4 This supports, but is not limited to:
Scaled addressing. Multiplication by an immediate value. Constructing immediate values.

5 Data Processing Instructions (2)
Arithmetic operations: ADD, ADDC, SUB, SUBC, RSB, RSC Bit-wise logical operations: AND, EOR, ORR, BIC Register movement operations: MOV, MVN Comparison operations: TST, TEQ, CMP, CMN

6 Arithmetic Instructions
Syntax: op{cond}{S} Rd, Rn, Operand2 op is one of ADD, SUB, RSB, ADC, SBC,or RSC. cond is an optional condition code S is an optional suffix. If S is specified, the condition code flags are updated on the result of the operation If S is specified, these instructions update the N, Z, C and V flags according to the result.

7 Examples ADC add with carry
SBC Subt with borrow (unsigned or 2’s complement signed integers) RSB Reverse subtraction RSC = Reverse subtraction with borrow



10 Eg


12 Condition flags: If S is specified, these instructions update the N, Z, C and V flags according to the result. Use of r15 Examples: ADD r2,r1,r3 SUBS r8,r6,#240 ; sets the flags on the result RSB r4,r4,#1280 ; subtracts contents of r4 from 1280 ADCHI r11,r0,r3 ; only executed if C flag set and Z ; flag clear


14 Bitwise Logical Instructions
Syntax: op{cond}{S} Rd, Rn, Operand2 op is one of AND, ORR, EOR, BIC. cond is an optional condition code S is an optional suffix. If S is specified, the condition code flags are updated on the result of the operation

15 Bitwise Logical Instructions
Condition flags: If S is specified, these instructions: update the N and Z flags according to the result can update the C flag during the calculation of Operand2  do not affect the V flag.

16 Bitwise logical instructions - egs
BIC – bit clear – Every 1 in the second operand clears the corresponding bit in the first operand

17 For reference

18 Bitwise logical instructions
V is unaffected as logical will not result in overflow

19 Register movement Instruction - egs
Two operand instruction – first is ignored MVN – move negated Negate second source and store in destn

20 Condition flags: If S is specified, these instructions: update the N and Z flags according to the result can update the C flag during the calculation of Operand2  do not affect the V flag.

21 Cmp= sub Cmn = compare negative

22 CMP – whether s is set or not, it affects the flags
TEQ affects only Z N

23 Comparison Operations - egs
CMP r1, r2 ,• set cc on r1 - r2 ;similar to sub but with a diff CMN r1, r2 ; set cc on r1 + r2 // add (r1-(-r2)) TST r1, r2 ; set cc on r1 and r2 TEQ r1, r2 ; set cc on r1 xor r2 Cc – condition codes Teq= test equivalence Cmp will not store the results

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