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Session One Defining Key Concepts

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1 Session One Defining Key Concepts
Play and Leisure Session One Defining Key Concepts

2 Learning outcomes By the end of this session we will have;
Discussed and analysed definitions of play and leisure Looked at the assessment requirements for this module (from the module guide) Discussed next week’s online task

3 Definitions of play Pronin-Fromberg and Bergen (2006 p.xi) suggest “play is pervasive, infusing human activity throughout the life span.” In pairs consider your views on what the terms ‘play’ and ‘leisure’ are – make a list Define what play is, define what leisure is based on this list, is there a difference? Share views with class Perhaps to help them do this, perhaps get them to consider what they think does not constitute play/leisure

4 Definition of play “Some have argued that play is children’s work but I would say that it is far more than this. Play is their self actualisation, a holistic exploration of who and what they are and know and of who and what they might become.” (Broadhead, 2004, pg.191) *What do you think this suggests?

5 What it could be……??? It is a process not a product
Based on the child/young person’s interests Your own interpretation of what constitutes play relies on your own values and beliefs Your ability to be reflective and engage with the debate surrounding play

6 Characteristics of play/leisure
Symbolic –represents possibilities for ‘what if?’ Meaningful – connects or relates to experiences Active Pleasurable Voluntary and intrinsically motivated Rule-governed – explicitly or implicitly expressed Episodic – shifting goals that develop spontaneously (Fromberg 2002)

7 How are play and leisure activities provided;
Play in the family context Child friendly communities and available facilities Play in the school day and extended provision Physical activity, and outdoor activities

8 Activity Watch the following video; think about the following points;
What key characteristics of play and leisure can be seen in the video? What do you think the term ‘inclusivity of play’ means? Why is it important to listen to the children’s views?

9 Wood and Attfield (2005 p.85) “In the urge to explain and categorise play we may be in danger of overlooking the fact that children define play themselves;”

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