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Community, Culture and Health

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1 Community, Culture and Health
There are other ways to stay healthy!

2 The Peckham Experiment
Features of the Peckham Experiment The absence of disease and disorder is not the same thing as health. Health is manifested in a person’s relationship with their social and physical environment. Health is not a state ; it is a process. A person cannot be healthy if they live in an unhealthy environment. Once disorder has been eliminated and a healthy environment achieved then health can be pursued only through non-directional self help not by authoritarian means. Health can then be cultivated and becomes contagious This leads to healthy communities.


4 Darnall Well Being (background):
Not for profit year back ground supporting people to stay healthy Team of multi-lingual speakers Health trainers, Health champions etc. What’s on offer: group activities 1-to-1 support advocacy peer mentoring volunteering delivering local health campaigns training and talks Approach: Person Centred Community development approach support in a sensitive and structured way Social Prescribing as an important principal Joint Decision Making Trust building A range of interventions for varied client needs Prevention (Model of good practice) Collaborative response: collaborative consistent client-led increasing access to services mitigate health risks Partnership work: Long-standing alliance with primary care local anchor organisation bridging the gap between communities and services Every contact counts: Over 10,000 points of contacts overall in 2016/ we makes every contact Count

5 Journey of Social Prescribing at Darnall Well Being
When it started and how it has evolved through the years? Close working relationship with primary care and their understanding What has been achieved so far through delivery of Social Prescribing Model An understanding from Primary care about local infrastructure and offer

6 Journey of Social Prescribing at Darnall Well Being
Development of Well Being Workers (Health Trainers) into new way of working with primary and secondary care Formation of Enhanced Primary and Community care Partnership Invitation and Participation of Darnall Well Being in Virtual Ward MDT

7 Collaborative and Multi disciplinary work (Virtual Ward)
Medical input lead by a Senior GP Social input lead by senior Health Trainer Multi disciplinary team approach Joint decision making between patient and Services facilitated by Health Trainer Patients with complex and multi Morbidity issues are discussed A joint action plan is created and patient is informed by Health Trainer

8 Collaborative and Multi disciplinary work (Virtual Ward)
Darnall Well Being input at the centre of decision making instead of being an end referral point Gelling together services, decision making, delivery and client participation in their health matters Difference of DWB VW model from others in the city

9 Person Centred Care in Action (a case Study)
Patient Selection Process: Selected through (Local Intelligence) Support requested by Surgery Receptionist Nature of health need: Stress and depression Loneliness /no family around Struggling due to poor eye sight Worrying about going out in to new group or situation Understanding how the benefit system works Aids and adaptations/help needed around the house

10 Person Centred Care in Action (a case Study)
Referral to other services: Age UK for Ok to Stay plan District Nurses for up to date blood results and health checkup Occupational Therapist for Aids and adaptations SRSB for the support as a Partially Blind person Citizen’s Advice bureau for understanding the Benefits Fire Brigade Service for advice around the house (only to liaise with HT) Adult Mental health service by GP Social service (SCC) for City Wide Care Alarm Therapy Assistant for Sofa raising and bed lever Local Pharmacy for registration

11 Person Centred Care in Action (a case Study)
Out Comes: Client has joined Monday walking group at DWB and enjoying it very much Client is feeling less stressed about his condition as he has a link with the community through DWB service He has also joined the Men’s health group made new friends and met some old friends there District nurse has already been to see him to get his blood stats up to date which was requested by Virtual ward Lead GP A second handrail has been installed to make it easy for him to go upstairs A toilet frame has been but in his bathroom to make it easy for him to sit and stand on toilet Two new and working fire alarms have been installed

12 Person Centred Care in Action (a case Study)
Out Comes: Client is pleased about the Urine bottle given by DWB HT as he don’t have to rush upstairs and have less accidents With the support of HT Patient has registered with the local pharmacy located in the same building as the surgery as before he was travelling to city centre to get his medication. Client had a visit from SRSB advisor to explain about the different accommodation and social support offers if he needed one in future Client has been registered for City Wide Care Alarm and waiting for the home visit for installation Sofa has been raised top get up effortless and bed lever is helping him to get out of bed easily Health trainer had a discussion with client and he feels well supported

13 Person Centred Care in Action (a case Study)
Client perspective about the Joint support from Virtual Ward Team: “I am very grateful and happy with the support I got from DWB health trainer, i do understand that life is hard but having a local support and local group to attend makes it far easy and interesting then going out to a new place in city centre, I feel that all of the care is based around my needs and aspirations which makes it easy for me to join in and stay with”. To me health trainer support is based on common sense and I don’t have to deal with endless services coming in and out, I feel part of my community more than I ever felt before, thanks to Darnall Well Being walking and Men’s group for giving me this opportunity to come out enjoy and make new friends. For me DWB is like a family and just by coming in to this place (surgery) I can access my Pharmacist, my GP, my Health Trainer, My Exercise mentor, my nurses and other people in the groups, some days I just want to stay here and enjoy all day.

14 Men’s Healthier Lunch Club

15 Monday Walk

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