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A-16 Miss Hannigan, Ms. Guagliardo & Mrs

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A-16 Miss Hannigan, Ms. Guagliardo & Mrs. Gaskill’s Weekly Newsletter Week of 2/4/19 Lessons of the Week: Corduroy: Students read the book “Corduroy.” We also did an activity later in the week using buttons. A Letter to Amy: Students read the story “A Letter to Amy.” Later in the week, they wrote their own invitations, and put them in envelopes. Singing “Down By the Bay”: Students practiced rhyming words by singing “Down By the Bay” and thinking of rhyming pairs. Skills Addressed: Book Enjoyment Counting Rhyming Fine Motor Skills Tip of the Week: NEXT WEEK WE HAVE ALL EARLY DISMISSAL DAYS! STUDENTS DO NOT NEED BLANKETS, OR SNACK! Classroom Needs: We are still in need of supplies for our “Movie Night” themed basket!!!! Special Information: 2/11/19-2/15 EARLY DISMISSAL 2/12/19-2/14 CONFERENCES During conference week, PECEC PTO will be holding a book fair. The class is visiting on Thursday 2/14 at 11:30 AM! Parent Links: Earlier this year, our Parent Academy featured a workshop on Supporting Challenging Behaviors at Home. If you wish to review the workshop, or did not have a chance to attend in person, please follow the attached link to view this important information session at your convenience. Click on the link, or copy and paste the link to your browser. Young children can learn to follow adult expectations.  The following article, which was shared at the workshop,  includes some tips for helping your child learn and follow your requests. Click on the link, or copy and paste the link to your browser to read “Teaching Your Child to Cooperate with Requests.” Contact Us:

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