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Investigating the Ozone Concentration Over the Atlanta Metro Area

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1 Investigating the Ozone Concentration Over the Atlanta Metro Area
EAS 4803 – Dr. Wang 4/23/ Raymond Myer

2 Problem I wanted to see if there was a significant change in the ozone concentrations between monitoring stations over the Atlanta Metro Area. I looked to analyze the concentration measurements over one year for each of the eleven stations.


4 Methods I gathered the 8-hr. ozone measurements from the stations starting at the first date when all stations consistently reported data to the last date on the website: The data ended up going from March 4, to October 31, 2008. I performed a principle component regression using a singular value decomposition method to analyze the ozone data sets for each station and then find the correlation coefficient between all the sets. I used spline interpolation to fill in any missing data values.

5 Results

6 Results(still working on it)

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