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Chapter 2 Wave motion August 20,22 Harmonic waves

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1 Chapter 2 Wave motion August 20,22 Harmonic waves
2.1 One-dimensional waves Wave: A disturbance of the medium, which propagates through the space, transporting energy and momentum. Types of waves: Mechanical waves, electromagnetic (EM) waves. Longitudinal waves, Transverse waves. Question: The type of wave in the corn field in Macomb, IL. Suppose the wind is small. Mathematical description of a wave: For a wave that does not change its shape: Disturbance is a function of position and time: y (x, t) =f (x, t) Example: Displacement D(x,t) and pressure P(x,t) of sound wave. E(x, t) and B(x, t) of light y (x, 0) = f (x, 0)= f (x) (wave profile, snapshot) y (x, t) =f (x-vt) (General form of a wave) Example: y (x, t) = exp[-a(x-vt)2] x t = 0 t vt

2 2.1.1 The differential wave equation
Specifying a wave: Amplitude and wavelength  Second order differential equation *A partial, linear, second order, homogeneous differential equation

3 2.2 Harmonic waves Harmonic waves: y (x, t) = f (x-vt) =A sin k(x-vt)
Parameters: Amplitude: A Wavelength: l Wave vector (propagation number): k = 2p/l Period: t = l/v Frequency: n = 1/t (distinguish n and v) Speed: v=n l Angular frequency: w =2pn =2p/t Wave number : k =1/ l Real waves: Monochromatic waves  Band of frequencies: Quasi-monochromatic waves Example 2.3, 2.4 Remember all of them by heart.

4 2.3 Phase and phase velocity
General harmonic wave functions: y (x, t) =A sin(kx – wt+e) Phase:  (x, t)= kx – wt + e Initial phase:  (x, t)|x=0, t=0= e Rate-of-change of phase with time: Rate-of-change of phase with space: Phase velocity: The speed of propagation of the condition of constant phase. In general

5 Read: Ch2: 1-3 Homework: Ch2: 5,9,17,22,24,36,41,42 Due: August 31

6 August 24 Addition of waves 2.4 The superposition principle
Superposition principle: The total disturbance from two waves at each point is the algebraic sum of the individual waves at that point. Superposition of harmonic waves  Interference: in-phase, out-of-phase

7 2.5 The complex representation
Real harmonic wave: Algebraic representation: Complex representation: The actual wave is the real part. Easy to manipulate mathematically, especially in the addition of waves. Use with care when performing multiplication of waves. A 2.6 Phasors and the addition of waves Harmonic wave: A1 A2 A 2 1 Re(y) Im(y) Phasor representation: Using a rotating arrow (vector) to represents the wave. The addition of waves = the addition of vectors.

8 2.7 Plane waves x y z k r Wavefront: The surface composed by the points of equal phase of a wave at a given time. Plane wave: Waves whose wavefronts are planes. Equation for a plane perpendicular to  Description of a plane wave: k: propagation vector (wave vector). Including time variable: In Cartesian coordinates:

9 Significance of plane waves:
Easy to generate (harmonic oscillator). Any 3-dimensional wave can be expressed as a combination of plane waves (Fourier analysis). Example 2.6

10 Read: Ch2: 4-7 No homework

11 August 27 Spherical waves
2.8 The three-dimensional differential wave equation Plane wave: Laplacian operator: General solution:

12 2.9 Spherical waves Spherical waves: Waves whose wavefronts are spheres. Spherical coordinates: (r, q, f) x z y r q f Laplacian operator in spherical coordinates: Spherical symmetry: Differential wave equation: Solution: General solution: The inverse square law: Intensity of a spherical wave  1/r2.

13 2.10 Cylindrical waves Harmonic spherical wave:
A is the source strength. 2.10 Cylindrical waves Cylindrical waves: Waves whose wavefronts are cylinders. Cylindrical coordinates: (r, q, z) x z y r q Laplacian operator in cylindrical coordinates: Cylindrical symmetry: Differential wave equation: Solution: When r is sufficiently large,

14 Read: Ch2: 8-10 Homework: Ch2: 49,54 Due: September 7

15 Tout le malheur des hommes vient d’une seule chose, qui est de ne savoir pas demeurer en repos dans une chambre. All men's miseries derive from not being able to sit in a quiet room alone. Blaise Pascal

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