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Physical Oceanography I

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1 Physical Oceanography I
March 3, 2015 Physical Oceanography I Young-Heon Jo Spring 2016

2 Physical Oceanography 4-038
Instructor Year Semester Course Number Course Title Section Young-Heon Jo 2015 1 MS23386 Physical Oceanography 4-038 Instructor’s contact information : Office Hours: Appointment Course Objectives & Description 1) Course objectives To introduce the physical oceanography. To understand physical and dynamical processes through various numerical and laboratory experiments (hands-on-experiments). 2) Course Description Students will learn how ocean changes in response to the physical forcing in the Nature. Students will have many practical problems to understand physical-biogeochemcial interactions. This class is designed for juniors and seniors and will be taught in English    Required Textbooks Introduction to Physical Oceanography by Robert Stewart (free) Basic Physical Oceanography ($$) Requirement & Grading Mid-term:30 Final:30 Assignments:30 Attendance: 10

3 Schedule Week 1 Why do we care ocean? HW 1 Week 2 Voyage of discovery Week 3 Historical setting HW 2 Week 4 Physical setting Week 5 Atmospheric influences HW 3 Week 6 Ocean heat budget I Week 7 Ocean heat budget II Week 8 Mid Week 9 Ocean Climate Change HW 4 Week 10 Temperature and Salinity and Density I Week 11 Temperature and Salinity and Density II HW 5 Week 12 Equation of Motion I Week 13 Equation of Motion II HW 6 Week 14 Response of the upper ocean to winds I Week 15 Response of the upper ocean to winds II Week 16 Final

4 Most of all I see and I forget. I hear and I remember
I do and I understand. Confucius

5 Oceanography and physical oceanography
Oceanographers do What! Any jobs? ( Most of all, is it fun to you?

6 Two assignments 1. Find two good resources for any universities, institutions, companies (domestic and international), which are not listed in the web-site ( Submit your findings (website and short description). Any of you will be asked to present what you found. 2. Suppose where will you be after graduated with a oceanography major?

7 Intentionally Blank

8 Questions for physical oceanographers
Why do we care Physical Oceanography?

9 Class Project (4 people max for a team, about 5-6 teams )
Data analysis/visualization Instruments based on Raspberry PI 3. Laboratory experiments Idea Competition To be decided by March 10

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