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Early 19c Industrialization in America: The Market Revolution.

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Presentation on theme: "Early 19c Industrialization in America: The Market Revolution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early 19c Industrialization in America: The Market Revolution

2 The Northern Industrial "Juggernaut"

3 Americans vs. the British
Britain was first to the game—and didn’t want competition! Britain forbade the export of textile machinery—and mechanics!—to America. Samuel Slater sneaked out (more to come) To compete, the U.S. passed the protective tariff of And Francis Cabot Lowell helped the process along!

4 “Father of the Factory System” First spinning mill in RI, 1790
Samuel Slater: “Father of the Factory System” First spinning mill in RI, 1790 AKA: “Slater the Traitor” 

5 The Lowell/Waltham System Francis Cabot Lowell’s town - 1814
--farm girlsdormitories, cultural activities in the evening, curfews, etc. Francis Cabot Lowell’s town

6 Lowell in 1850 -40,000 girls working by 1830

7 Lowell Mill

8 Lowell Girls

9 New England Textile Centers: 1830s

10 New England Dominance in Textiles

11 The Early Union Movement
Workingman’s Party (1829) * Founded by Robert Dale Owen and others in New York City. Early unions were usually local, social, and weak.

12 New Inventions: "Yankee Ingenuity"

13 Resourcefulness & Experimentation
Americans were willing to try anything. They were first copiers, then innovators. 1800  41 patents were approved. 1860  4,357 “ “ “

14 Eli Whitney’s Cotton Gin, 1791

15 Eli Whitney’s Gun Factory Interchangeable Parts Rifle

16 First prototype of the locomotive
Oliver Evans First automated flour mill First prototype of the locomotive

17 John Deere & the Steel Plow (1837)

18 Cyrus McCormick & the Mechanical Reaper: 1831

19 Samuel F. B. Morse 1840 – Telegraph

20 Elias Howe & Isaac Singer
1840s Sewing Machine

21 The “American Dream” They all regarded material advance as the natural fruit of American republicanism & proof of the country’s virtue and promise. A German visitor in the 1840s, Friedrich List, observed: Anything new is quickly introduced here, including all of the latest inventions. There is no clinging to old ways. The moment an American hears the word “invention,” he pricks up his ears.

22 The Transportation Revolution

23 Cumberland (National Road), 1811

24 Erie Canal System

25 Principal Canals in 1840

26 Robert Fulton & the Steamboat
1807: The Clermont

27 The “Iron Horse” Wins! (1830)
1830  13 miles of track built by Baltimore & Ohio RR By 1850  9000 mi. of RR track [1860  31,000 mi.]

28 The Railroad Revolution, 1850s
Immigrant labor built the No. RRs. Slave labor built the So. RRs.

29 What's Happening in America by the 1850s?

30 Regional Specialization
EAST  Industrial SOUTH  Cotton & Slavery WEST  The Nation’s “Breadbasket”

31 Changing Occupation Distributions: 1820 - 1860

32 American Population Centers in 1820

33 American Population Centers in 1860

34 Irish Immigrant Girls at Lowell

35 National Origin of Immigrants: 1820 - 1860
Why now?

36 American View of the Irish Immigrant

37 Distribution of Wealth
During the American Revolution, 45% of all wealth in the top 10% of the population. 1845 Boston  top 4% owned over 65% of the wealth. 1860 Philadelphia  top 1% owned over 50% of the wealth. The gap between rich and poor was widening!

38  Reform Era Second Great Awakening “Benevolent Empire”
Temperance Movement (To be discussed further in Ch. 11)

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