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To What Extent Did Napoleon Affect Life Outside of France?

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1 To What Extent Did Napoleon Affect Life Outside of France?

2 World Wide Legacy The Napoleonic Civil Code was adopted by other countries under French rule at the time Became the basis for private law in Italy, Portugal, Belgium, and Spain Romania adopted the Napoleonic Code in and still uses it today!

3 Canada and Napoleon In 1866 the Civil Code of Lower Canada (French) was revised to include the Napoleonic Code This means that traditions of the Napoleonic Code live on in Canada

4 The West Indies French colonies like Haiti were greatly important because they produced sugar, coffee, cocoa, and cotton By 1775, the West Indies were producing half of the goods being imported to France - Sugar was highly desirable

5 France and the Slave Trade
Haiti was a French colony in which slaves were used African men and women were forced to work on plantations Most died within 10 years due to the harsh conditions Napoleon led the Haitian government to believe that he would out law slavery, but they were deceived

6 Haiti’s Slave Revolt Britain invaded Haiti in 1793
Napoleon promised the slaves and former slaves of Haiti that he would help them if they supported the French against the British Haitian forces removed the British and declared Haiti an independent country of free men and women

7 Napoleon’s Betrayal Napoleon went back on his word and refused to allow Haiti to be free once the British were expelled Let Haitians do all the work and took the island for himself Napoleon thought slave labour was too valuable to lose and sent soldiers to retake the island He then passed laws in France that supported slavery

8 Congress of Vienna A meeting from September June 1815 to decide the fate of France after Napoleon European rulers decided to invite Louis XVIII of the exiled Bourbon family to return as the King of France They supported him with troops to make sure there was no revolt in France

9 End of the Empire After Napoleon, European rulers returned countries to their pre-Napoleon and pre- revolution boarders They also tried to maintain a balance of power in Europe Britain took over French colonies overseas Belgium and Holland joined into one kingdom Much of Italy went back to Austria

10 Nationalism Patriotic feelings and principles. The desire for people with the same language, ethnicity, location, and culture to form a nation Napoleon used this feeling to help create support to invade other countries in Europe He promised to help people who shared language and culture to create new nations Able to get support of the French by promoting French glory

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