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William Lyon Mackenzie-King

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1 William Lyon Mackenzie-King
By Brayden the great, and Chris the average

2 William Lyon Mackenzie King was the leader of the liberal party, and the Prime minister for almost 22 years. He helped Canada through many of their obstacles at the time. When he left office, Canada had more independence from Britain and a stronger international voice. He is on the $50 bill. Who was he?

3 He was born in Kitchener, on December 17, 1874. He had 3 siblings
He was born in Kitchener, on December 17, He had 3 siblings. He graduated from the University of Toronto in 1895, and studied economics at Chicago and Harvard. Early life

4        He had his first years in office as prime minister in when his party was elected into office. His first moves when he was in office was to "regain the confidence of the farmers in Ontario and western Canada" He did this by reducing taxes although this did not work, and they required help from the  New Progressive Party (Which was a party of farmers in western Canada) to get back into office the following years. Prime minister

5 Prime Minister Continued
During 1926 it was clear that the progressive party would withdraw their support to King and the liberals. He suggested a dissolution which the leader of the progressive party (Governor General Viscount Byng) declined, so he called on the help of Arthur Meighen, the leader of the Conservative party to form the 2 groups together to form a new Federal Conservative party under Byng. Prime Minister Continued

6 How many years was King in office
King has had the most years in office in all of Canadian history with 22 years in office. John A. MacDonald had 19. The reason he had so many years in office is because he had a lot of experience guiding Canada through their rough times like the great depression, the second world war, and industrialization. Years 1921–26, 1926–30 and 1935–48 is when he was in office How many years was King in office

7 King was elected as Canada's prime minister again in 1935, which was during the great depression. To try to end the depression, he passed the 1935 Reciprocal Trade Agreement. This was a trade treaty with the U.S, that lowered tariffs and increased trade. This brought jobs and money back and ended the great depression. The great depression

8 William Lyon Mackenzie King thought that his government should take the inhumanity out of capitalism by providing social assistance and working standards. During WW2, he introduced the Family allowance and unemployment insurance act. Capitalism

9 King didn’t want to introduce conscription, which made the French Canadians like him. When WW2 started, he was worried that another conscription crisis would happen and tear the country apart. He had a vote to determine if they would introduce conscription or not, which they did, although it wasn’t as politically damaging as the conscription crisis in 1917. Conscription


11 mac-king.html
lliam-lyon-mackenzie-king gs-approach-to-the-great-depression/ Sources

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