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Requirements NAVSEA S0420-AA-RAD-010, (RAD-010) Radiological Affairs Support Program Manual NAVPGSCOL INSTRUCTION Radiation Safety Instruction.

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Presentation on theme: "Requirements NAVSEA S0420-AA-RAD-010, (RAD-010) Radiological Affairs Support Program Manual NAVPGSCOL INSTRUCTION Radiation Safety Instruction."— Presentation transcript:

1 RASP RAM Custodian Training: Control of Exempt Sources of RASP radioactive material

2 Requirements NAVSEA S0420-AA-RAD-010, (RAD-010) Radiological Affairs Support Program Manual NAVPGSCOL INSTRUCTION Radiation Safety Instruction for Naval Postgraduate School (found on NPS Intranet) NPSINST Standard and Emergency Operating Procedure for Exempt Quantities of Radioactive Material (found on NPS Intranet)

3 Exempt Quantities Exempt Quantities of radioactive material are maintained through the Radiological Affairs Support Program (RASP) at NPS and managed by the Radiation Safety Officer. Exempt Quantities of RASP radioactive material (RAM) are those quantities that meet the requirements of 10 CFR 30.l7 Schedule B.

4 Control of RAM While Exempt Quantities do not require a Naval Radioactive Materials Permit they still require controls! RAM must be secured in a designated storage area or under the control of a radioactive material custodian or authorized user at all times. AT ALL TIMES! Designated storage areas must be approved by the RSO.

5 Marking RAM Radioactive Material shall be marked with: Radioactive trifoil “DANGER” or “CAUTION” “RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL” Radioisotope, Activity, and Date Determined If a label or sign is illegible, damaged, or missing, contact your RSO.

6 Procurement and Disposal of RAM
Procurement of RAM is reviewed by the RSO and shall be approved prior the to purchase to ensure that requirements are met The radioactive material package must be surveyed by the RSO on delivery and prior to opening All RAM shipments must be made through the RSO The RSO must be notified when RAM is received by NPS personnel RAM disposal is coordinated by the RSO.

7 RASP RAM Inventories RAM inventories are conducted semi annually
Performed, or directed by, the RSO Inventory is updated to reflect RAM additions and subtractions

8 Disposal of RAM Notify the RSO prior to shipment and disposal of all RASP radioactive material. RASP radioactive material is disposed of by transfer to the RSO or return to the vendor. Do not dispose of RASP radioactive material without coordinating with the RSO.

9 Research Guides/Lab Procedure
Daily and multi-day use of RAM shall be coordinated through RSO RAM shall be used IAW approved Laboratory Procedure or Research Guide Eating, drinking and smoking are not permitted when RAM is present

10 Emergency Notifications
An emergency may be anything from a fire or an earthquake to lost, stolen, or damaged RAM In all cases notify the RSO and your Supervisor RSO and ARSO emergency contact numbers are on the door to the storage area RSO and ARSO emergency contact numbers can also be found on the NPS Safety website: “Recall Bill for Radiological Emergencies”:

11 Additional Emergency Actions
Follow the emergency procedures found in the Research/Laboratory Guide or NPS Inst If you suspect that RAM is damaged or leaking, control access to it from a safe location until the RSO arrives.

12 RASP RAM Custodian Exam
When you have completed this training contact the RSO for the RASP RAM Custodian Exam at

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