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Connections identified on the basis of the genome sequence similarity of CPOs isolated from the environment and patients. Connections identified on the.

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Presentation on theme: "Connections identified on the basis of the genome sequence similarity of CPOs isolated from the environment and patients. Connections identified on the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Connections identified on the basis of the genome sequence similarity of CPOs isolated from the environment and patients. Connections identified on the basis of the genome sequence similarity of CPOs isolated from the environment and patients. Each rectangle in the outer ring represents a sequenced blaKPC-positive isolate and is color coded on the basis of the source. Black, patient; red, wastewater manhole; light gray, housekeeping equipment; green, housekeeping closet drain; purple, high-touch surface; dark blue, sink; yellow, wastewater pipe. Four patients have multiple isolates, and these are clustered and denoted by additional black bars. Orange arcs indicate >99.90% ANI between patient and environmental isolates. Blue arcs indicate >99.90% ANI between environmental isolates. Arc color saturation does not have meaning and is used solely to aid the visual distinction of links. Redundant arcs between environmental isolates are excluded for simplicity. The isolate name is provided only if an environmental connection was found. Icon credits: Alonzo Design, Kathy Konkle, cihanterlan, pialhovik, Panpty, istrejman/Getty Images under license. Rebecca A. Weingarten et al. mBio 2018; doi: /mBio

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