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Marine Enforcement Officer

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1 Marine Enforcement Officer
Candidate Pack Marine Enforcement Officer

2 Recruitment Processes Indicative Timeline
Welcome About the MMO Vacancy Description Recruitment Processes Indicative Timeline Terms, Conditions and Benefits Candidate Information Pack

3 Candidate Information Pack
Welcome Background Vacancy Process Timeline T’s & C’s The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is an executive non-departmental public body of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. We license and regulate marine activities in the seas around England and Wales so that they're carried out in a sustainable way. We’re responsible for: Managing and monitoring fishing fleet sizes and quotas for catches. Ensuring compliance with fisheries regulations, such as fishing vessel licences and quotas for fish and seafood. Managing funding programmes for fisheries activities. Planning and licensing for marine construction, deposits and dredging that may have an environmental, economic or social impact. Making marine nature conservation byelaws. Dealing with marine pollution emergencies, including oil spills. Helping to prevent illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing worldwide. Producing marine plans to include all marine activities, including those we don’t directly regulate. More information about our work is on the GOV.UK website. The Marine Management Organisation is committed to its staff and believes in investing in their wellbeing and learning and development. We strive to be an Organisation that creates an environment in which staff are able to identify and share good practice, celebrate success and encourage positive attitudes towards diversity. John Tuckett, CEO Candidate Information Pack

4 Candidate Information Pack
Welcome Background Vacancy Process Timeline T’s & C’s ABOUT THE WORK AREA MMO enforcement activity is predominantly carried out by staff that are located in one of MMO’s 16 coastal offices. Our work seeks to ensure and promote compliance with the European Commission and national sea fisheries regulations, marine licensing and marine nature conservation legislation. We co-ordinate programmes for monitoring, control and surveillance of sea fishing activity, marine licensable activity and marine conservation measures within the EEZ around the coast of England and for UK vessels outside those waters. We primarily seek to educate and inform marine sectors to promote compliance with the various regulatory requirements. We also investigate and take appropriate enforcement action, including prosecution, when serious breaches of the regulations are identified. Activities of Marine Enforcement Officers include; Monitoring and assessment of fishing activity through receiving data systems Undertaking risk assessment and intelligence gathering Inspections of fishing vessels at sea and in port (this would include joining Royal Navy Fishery Protection Squadron at sea or co-operation with others (eg Inshore Fisheries Conservation Authorities) Inspections of fishing industry premises, fish markets, etc Inspections of marine licensable activities Monitoring and inspection of activities which may affect marine protected areas (MPAs) or protected species Undertaking investigations into incidents of non-compliant activities. Candidate Information Pack

5 Candidate Information Pack
Welcome Background Vacancy Process Timeline T’s & C’s CASE STUDY – A Day in the Life of a Marine Enforcement Officer – Emma Dixon-Lack Up early and I start the week with a 7:00am market inspection at North Shields Fish Auction Hall. I arrive to find fish being weighed and sorted into boxes by species ready for the auction at 7:30am. I use this time to chat with the auction manager about local fishing activity and trends, fishing industry compliance and the much anticipated and imminent nephrop season which will attract visiting fishing vessels from all over Scotland and Northern Ireland to the area. A colleague arrives to join me at 7:15am and we proceed to carry out some minimum size checks on cod, sole and whiting before observing the local merchants bid for their fish of the day! I speak to the fishermen to make sure they understand the landing obligations that are in place and clarify any areas that they have queries about. Back at the office and it’s time to plan for the week ahead. At the weekly team meeting we discuss the current fishing activity, industry compliance and marine licences in our area and decide where to carry out our risk based inspections. Monday afternoon is dedicated to interviewing a fisherman who was boarded previously by the Royal Navy and found to be fishing with illegal nets, a criminal offence. As lead interviewer I have created an interview plan and exhibits which I intend to show the suspect. As a criminal investigation, the interview is carried out in private and is conducted under formal caution in line with the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (1984). I have a colleague with me whose role is to make notes of what has been said during the interview, although it is also recorded onto disc. Once the interview has concluded I complete the relevant legal paperwork whilst things are still fresh in my mind and then call it a day. Candidate Information Pack

6 Candidate Information Pack
Welcome Background Vacancy Process Timeline T’s & C’s Job Title: Marine Enforcement Officer Grade: MEO Location: Lowestoft Vacancy Reference: 2062 Salary: £23,387 pa About the Job We are currently looking to recruit a Marine Enforcement Officer to protect the seas by enabling compliant maritime sectors and undertaking effective and proportionate enforcement activities. The purpose of this role is to ensure compliance with the Common Fisheries Policy, Marine and Coastal Access Act and other marine, environmental and sea fisheries legislation. You will work closely with marine stakeholders, carrying out inspections, collecting data and information and giving advice and guidance. You will undertake mandatory training to work towards accreditation to become a Marine Enforcement Officer. Candidate Information Pack

7 Main Duties and Accountabilities
Welcome Background Vacancy Process Timeline T’s & C’s Job Title: Marine Enforcement Officer Grade: MEO Location: Lowestoft Vacancy Reference: 2062 Salary: £23,387 pa Main Duties and Accountabilities Ensure a high level of compliance with the provisions of legislation made under the Common Fisheries Policy. Inspection and monitoring of fish landings, checking logbooks/landing declarations and transport documents using the risk based enforcement model. Enforcement of quota and other fishing vessel licence conditions. Close working with fishermen, marine industry representatives and a wide range of other stakeholders along the coast. An element of European Maritime and Fisheries Fund facilitation with prospective applicants may be required. Good communication abilities needed and good knowledge of the regulations. Need to be able to deal effectively with confrontation situations if they arise. Inspection of coastal sites regarding marine licensing activities and commenting on marine licence applications. Candidate Information Pack

8 Main Duties and Accountabilities
Welcome Background Vacancy Process Timeline T’s & C’s Job Title: Marine Enforcement Officer Grade: MEO Location: Lowestoft Vacancy Reference: 2062 Salary: £23,387 pa Main Duties and Accountabilities Regulation and enforcement of marine nature conservation legislation including management measures applying to Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). Data inputting and use of IT. To ensure that inspection and fisheries data are entered into data systems in a timely manner, ensuring high accuracy. Where necessary, undertaking investigations including gathering evidence, assisting with building prosecution files and conducting interviews when infringements are suspected.  To take an active part during pollution incidents, working with other agencies to minimise damage to the marine environment. Ensuring all health and safety regulations are complied with for yourself and colleagues. Candidate Information Pack

9 Candidate Information Pack
Welcome Background Vacancy Process Timeline T’s & C’s Role Criteria You will be required on occasions to work unsocial hours in line with industry requirements. You may have the opportunity to qualify as a boarding officer, to enable you to carry out enforcement at sea. These duties will demand regular travel throughout the MMO Marine Area and the post holder should hold a valid UK driving licence. The role may also involve occasional working away from home. You will be expected to qualify as a Marine Enforcement Officer after successfully completing the appropriate training. A commitment to continuous professional development is therefore essential to achieve this aim. Job Title: Marine Enforcement Officer Grade: MEO Location: Lowestoft Vacancy Reference: 2062 Salary: £23,387 pa Candidate Information Pack

10 Candidate Information Pack
Welcome Background Vacancy Process Timeline T’s & C’s Role Criteria You must show demonstrable experience of Strong communication and interpersonal skills. Using initiative and working on your own. Ability to interpret rules/regulations and apply them to a range of practical situations. Ability to plan, prioritise and control workload and deliver results to agreed timescales. Computer literate. Desirable criteria for this role Enthusiasm for and knowledge of the marine environment. Experience as an enforcement officer. A good team worker. Individuals must be able to physically undertake their duties in a sometimes challenging environment. Ideally the person will have held a responsible position at sea with the Merchant Navy, Fishing Fleet or Royal Navy, or have acquired sound experience of the fishing industry ashore or have other relevant marine qualifications or experience. Job Title: Marine Enforcement Officer Grade: MEO Location: Lowestoft Vacancy Reference: 2062 Salary: £23,387 pa Candidate Information Pack

11 Candidate Information Pack
Welcome Background Vacancy Process Timeline T’s & C’s Competency Profile The core competencies for this role are Delivering at pace (lead competence) Collaborating and partnering Making effective decisions Seeing the bigger picture Leading and communicating Managing a quality service For further information on the MMO competency framework please visit GOV.UK Job Title: Marine Enforcement Officer Grade: MEO Location: Lowestoft Vacancy Reference: 2062 Salary: £23,387 pa Candidate Information Pack

12 Candidate Information Pack
Welcome Background Vacancy Process Timeline T’s & C’s How to Apply All of our jobs are advertised on the Civil Service Jobs website. Applicant guidance notes and how to complete competency statements are also available. Sift and Interviews If an initial sift is required it will be carried out on the lead competence/online situational judgement test. The interview will consist of a 10 minute presentation (topic to be confirmed in invite to interview) followed by A 35 minute competency/technical based interview. Questions will then be invited from the interview panel. Further Information If you have any questions about applying for this role please contact: Paul Tyack Tel: Candidate Information Pack

13 Candidate Information Pack
Welcome Background Vacancy Process Timeline T’s & C’s Indicative Timeline Please note these dates are only indicative at this stage and could be subject to change. If you are unable to meet these timeframes, please let us know by contacting; Paul Tyack Tel Week commencing 10th September 2018 Anticipated start date Week commencing 6h August 2018 Outcome Week commencing 30th July 2018 Interviews 2nd July – 6th July 2018 Sift period* 27th June 2018 Closing date June 2018 September 2018 Interviews will take place at MMO, Pakefield Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0HT. * The sift will include an online situational judgement test as an initial sift, links to the test will be sent via . Candidate Information Pack

14 Candidate Information Pack
Welcome Background Vacancy Process Timeline T’s & C’s Appointment Term: Location: Working Arrangements: Salary Range: Pension: Permanent MMO, Pakefield Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0HT. Full time, Part time, flexible working arrangements. With competitive maternity, paternity and parental leave we also recognise the importance of a good work-life balance and offer flexible working and a family friendly approach to work. £23,387 - £26,957 Your pension is a valuable part of your total reward package where: The employer makes a significant contribution to the cost of your pension. Your contributions come out of your salary before any tax is taken. This means, if you pay tax, your take-home pay will not be reduced by the full amount of your contribution; and Your pension will continue to provide valuable benefits for you and your family if you are too ill to continue to work or die before you retire. For more information, visit Candidate Information Pack

15 Candidate Information Pack
Welcome Background Vacancy Process Timeline T’s & C’s Leave Allowance: Training and Development: Other Benefits: 30 days (pro-rated for part time staff), 10 and a half day’s public and privilege holidays and flexible working. We are committed to investing in our staff and offer a range of work based training and qualifications, coaching and mentoring opportunities and a guaranteed five days of learning a year. Childcare - the Civil Service recognises that many staff balance working lives with the demands of a family life and offers support with childcare and holiday play schemes costs by providing childcare vouchers for staff who meet the eligibility criteria. Special leave. Sick pay. Salary advances. Interest free season ticket and bicycle loans. Defra discount scheme. Employee Assistance Programme. Eye care. Trade Unions. Mediation service. Volunteering. Staff networking pages. Some sites also offer onsite facilities including fitness centres and staff canteens. Candidate Information Pack

16 Candidate Information Pack
Welcome Background Vacancy Process Timeline T’s & C’s Eligibility: Nationality: Reserved for UK Nationals: This post is advertised to suitably qualified people in the external market, and to existing Civil Servants and those in accredited Non Departmental Public Bodies. All jobs listed in our current vacancies are open to: EC nationals members of the Commonwealth, European Economic Area (EEA) and certain non-EEA family members Candidates from the Commonwealth must be free from any restrictions to reside and take up employment in the UK. As part of our selection process, successful candidates will be asked to provide, in confidence, evidence of entitlement to work in the UK and to provide references for your character and health. We will usually ask for documentary evidence of your nationality and other personal details to enable us to start taking up references, health and security clearance checks. We will tell you what you need to bring with you if you are invited to attend an assessment centre. Certain posts, notably those concerned with security and intelligence, might be reserved for British citizens, but this will not normally prevent access to a wide range of developmental opportunities within the Civil Service. This is not a reserved post. Candidate Information Pack

17 Candidate Information Pack
Welcome Background Vacancy Process Timeline T’s & C’s Security Clearance: Conflicts of interest: Pre-employment checks will be undertaken in accordance with the HM Government Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS). The BPSS comprises verification of four main elements: Identity employment history for the last three years nationality and immigration status, including the right to work criminal records check for unspent convictions also known as a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks. In some circumstances enhanced checks may also be required however candidates will be advised if this is the case. Additionally, successful candidates are required to give a reasonable account of any significant periods (six months or more in the past three years) of time spent abroad. The DBS checks are designed to provide clarity on any unspent convictions and therefore the provisions of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (1974) apply. Candidates must note the requirement to declare any interests they may have that might cause questions to be raised about their approach to the business of the Department. They are required to declare any relevant business interests, shareholdings, positions of authority, retainers, consultancy arrangements or other connections with commercial, public or voluntary bodies, both for themselves and for their spouses/partners. The successful candidate will be required to give up any conflicting interests and his/her other business and financial interests may be published. Candidate Information Pack

18 Candidate Information Pack
Welcome Background Vacancy Process Timeline T’s & C’s Equality and Diversity: Civil Service Code: The Marine Management Organisation is committed to being an equal opportunities employer. We value and welcome diversity. We aim to develop all our staff to enable them to make a full contribution to meeting the Department's objectives, and to fulfil their own potential on merit. We will not tolerate harassment or other unfair discrimination on grounds of sex, marital status, race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, disability, age, religion or sexual orientation. We will promote and support the use of a range of flexible working patterns to enable staff to balance home and work responsibilities; and we will treat people fairly irrespective of their working arrangements. Under the terms of the Equality Act 2010, we are legally required to consider making reasonable adjustments to ensure that disabled people are not disadvantaged in the recruitment and selection process. We are therefore committed to meeting, wherever possible, any needs you specify in your application. We will also consider any reasonable adjustments under the terms of the Act to enable any applicant with a disability (as defined under the Act) to meet the requirements of the post. We offer a Guaranteed Interview Scheme for people with disabilities (as defined by the Equality Act 2010) who meet the minimum criteria for appointment. All civil servants are subject to the provisions of the Civil Service Code that details the Civil Service values, standards of behaviour and rights and responsibilities. For further information, visit GOV.UK. Candidate Information Pack

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