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Hoy es miécoles, el 9 de enero de 2019

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1 Hoy es miécoles, el 9 de enero de 2019
Proficiency Practice and Rating Objective: To rate the proficiency levels of writing, reading and speaking samples . Students will explain their ratings and cite examples. AHORA– Quick Write—(5 minutes) IN SPANISH, Write a description of yourself including physical traits, personality traits, and likes/ dislikes. Then, using handout from yesterday, rate the proficiency level of your description. Explain. How could you level up your rating?(5 minutes)

2 Orden del día-- 1. Ahora 2.Readings/Ratings (taken from yesterday’s classwork- in English)- read,rate,explain 3.Reading/ Ratings –Short Spanish Story –Read, rate, explain, and answer questions 4.Speaking prompt---In Spanish, say your name, the date, your address, your birthday, age, and phone number—Record, transcribe(write in Spanish everything that you said. Rate and circle the evidence. What could you do to increase your proficiency level? 5. Proficiency game--competition 6. Quizlet (due today) and Binder reminder (due by Friday—Today- extra credit.

3 Samples from yesterday—Read, rate, explain, describe how you could go up a level.
1. My first pet is a dog. He likes to play all day, but he also really likes to sleep . I like to sing. I like to play videogames on Saturdays with my friends. My first pet is a Pitbull . His name is Bentley. He is friendly and hyper. He likes to play fetch and chase squirrels. Christmas…….Santa…….toys Hi! How are you today? I am going to play basketball. I like to play basketball everyday with my friends. Sometimes, I play football or soccer. My family is big. I have 3 sisters. I like Christmas because I can open presents with my family. I also like my birthday, because it is my day of the year.

4 Reading (Interpretive)—Read,analyze, rate, explain, and answer questions.


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