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Comma Usage, Sentence Variety, and Prepositional Phrases

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Presentation on theme: "Comma Usage, Sentence Variety, and Prepositional Phrases"— Presentation transcript:

1 Comma Usage, Sentence Variety, and Prepositional Phrases
Choice Board Activity  Comma Usage, Sentence Variety, and Prepositional Phrases 

2 Instructions  You will pick THREE choice board activities to help improve your understanding of comma usage, prepositional phrases, and sentence variety.  Use the results from the pretest to help guide you with your choices This PowerPoint will have the information you need, so refer back to it at any time All items will be on the blog if you do not finish in class  Due Date: 

3 How To Turn It In  Turn in your Choice Board packet in the following order  Choice Board Worksheet (Mark which activities you picked) Activity 1  Activity 2 Activity 3  Reflection 

4 Prepositional Phrases Reading & Guided Notes
Read the article and complete the guided notes 

5 The Simpsons Teach Sentences
Go through the Simpsons PowerPoint and write six sentences  2 Simple 2 Compound 2 Complex 

6 Flocabulary: Commas  Watch the Flocabulary Comma video and take the quiz  Screenshot, take a picture of, or print your quiz scores

7 Walk Around the School  Pick a spot in the school and write directions to it using prepositional phrases This needs to be at least one paragraph  Circle the prepositions  Underline the prepositional phrases 

8 Comma Microlab Read the Comma Microlab and take notes on the reading
Write three sentences with different ways to use commas 

9 Story Write  Write a narrative using sentence variety  This should be at least two paragraphs and include simple, compound, and complex sentences 

10 Sentence Variety Notes
Read the sentence variety notes and take the mini quiz 

11 Flocabulary: Prepositions
Watch the Flocabulary video and take the quiz Screenshot, take a picture of, or print your quiz scores

12 Comma Memes  Write and illustrate TWO memes about comma usage 

13 Reflection  Once you have completed your three choice board activities, reflect on what you've learned.  Why did you pick the activities you did?  What did you learn from these activities?  How will understanding comma usage, prepositional phrases, and sentence variety help you be a better writer? 

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