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The art of writing and speaking effectively and persuasively

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1 The art of writing and speaking effectively and persuasively
The Art of rhetoric The art of writing and speaking effectively and persuasively Mrs. Zoratti

2 According to Aristotle…
There are three main forms of rhetoric: Ethos: The persuasive appeal of one's character and credibility (Ethics) Logos: The appeal to reason or logic. Pathos: The appeal to emotion (empathy or sympathy) In order to be a more effective reader and writer, you must understand these three terms. For the purposes of this PowerPoint, I will primarily use advertisements to demonstrate these appeals.

3 Ethos Ethos is appeal based on the character of the speaker. An ethos-driven document relies on the authority or reputation of the author or speaker.

4 More Ethos- Based Ads

5 logos Logos is appeal based on logic or reason. Corporate documents and advertisements are often logos- driven.

6 Logos-based ads often include data as a persuasive appeal.

7 Pathos appeal to emotion
pathos-driven advertisements include those for fashion (desire to fit in), for toothpaste (fear of stained teeth), and for beauty products (feel better about yourself), to name a few. Oftentimes, simply invoke an “awwww” feeling.

8 Pathos can play on our fears
Pathos can play on our desire to look a certain way or to fit in.

9 Review: Identify the appeals

10 Review: Identify the appeal

11 Review: Identify the appeal

12 Review: Identify the appeal

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