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Microbiology Part I – Introduction.

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1 Microbiology Part I – Introduction

2 ? purpose Educated Future Parent Educated Patient Curiosity
Why study microbiology? Educated Future Parent ? Educated Patient Curiosity

Fun Facts! BACTERIA ARE ALMOST EVERYWHERE AND IN ASTONISHING NUMBERS! Organisms from Archaebacteria and Eubacteria outnumber ALL the members of the other 4 Kingdoms COMBINED Bacteria have a greater combined weight than ALL THE OTHER LIVING organisms on earth Bacteria THRIVE in places where no other organisms were thought to exist A single GRAM of common soil can contain MILLION bacteria cells Every cubic meter of air contains ,000 bacteria cells

4 Bacteria Facts Most people hear the word “bacteria” and think of germs and disease While SOME species of bacteria cause disease (pathogenic), MOST (along with Fungi) are the primary decomposers on this planet and dispose of TONS of waste Decomposers secrete chemicals that break down dead/decaying material so they may be reused by plants and other organisms

5 A few Pathogenic Bacteria…
Clostridium botulinum Clostridium difficile Staphylococcus aureus Vibrio cholerae Streptococcus pneumoniae Escherichia coli Yersinia pestis

6 Classification Domain Prokarya Kingdom Archaebacteria
Kingdom Eubacteria

7 Kingdom Archaebacteria
3 Main Groups: Thermoacidophiles Methanogens Halophiles

8 Comparison – Archaebacteria and eubacteria

9 Bacteria Shapes Draw shapes:

10 Bacteria structure

11 Bacterial Cell Walls and Capsules
Bacterial cell walls are made of large molecules called peptidoglycans The thickness, composition of the cell walls are unique to each species Scientists are able to observe the thickness (and type) through a process called Gram’s Stain On the outside of the cell walls are layers of sticky carbs called the capsule These allow bacteria to stick to surfaces and protect the cell from bad conditions

12 The structure of a bacteria will often dictate:
Why are they important? The structure of a bacteria will often dictate: Symptoms of an infection what antibiotic is used to treat the infection Antibiotic used will target the cell wall/capsule to kill the bacteria

13 Bacteria Memory Game Play 1 round and Copy down!

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